The fight

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Finally! Chapter 2! It's not as long as the first, but I've already tried to drag it out as long as I could. Enjoy!

“Uh…Someone help?” I asked, dodging the lion’s swipes and jabs, while desperately trying not to gag on its horrible breath. Our three attackers had split up, each attacking one of us. The hyena had gone for Nico (or at least him in meerkat form), the dragon Thad, and I had been stuck with the lion. Yay.

I could tell that Thad and Nico weren’t having much more luck either. Sure, Nico could control water, and Thad could do pretty much the same with fire (I had learned not to ask questions), but the animals were almost on par with them, and my friends were running out of energy. Besides, since I had thus far failed to figure out what my power was, they were fighting three animals, instead of two, like they should have been.

“Can’t…too…tired…” Nico gasped, chest heaving as he blasted a weak jet of water at the lion, sending it only about an inch away from its original position.

“This sucks.” I grumbled childishly, once again parrying the lion’s attack, countering for the first time with a scratch of my own. In case you were wondering, I had already tried in vain to communicate with it,

“Change…back to…human form,” Thad answered, “Just…think about…yourself. And take this.” He momentarily changed back to human form, pulling a sword out of his back pocket. (The clothes reappeared on him, thankfully) How on earth did that thing fit?

Soon enough, I was back to my normal self, covered with cuts and scrapes, and thankfully, fully clothed. Hefting the sword and finding it surprisingly light, I swung it blindly at the lion and was not really surprised to find that it easily dodged my attack. With renewed vigour, I once again resumed my fight with the king of the animals.

Unfortunately, I soon found out how it had earned its title the hard way. I was no match for the lion, what with it being almost twice my size and all. It overpowered me easily, pouncing on me, it’s hot and revolting breath right in my face. I wasn’t sure which was worse, death by mauling, or enduring this stench. Luckily, I didn’t have to find out.

A red hot ball of fire hurtled towards the lion, slamming into it and immediately setting it on fire. The creature roared in sheer agony, writhing on the ground, trying in vain to put the fire out. If I had thought that a fire would extinguish the life of the lion, I was horribly wrong. A bloody, smoking lion howled and advanced towards me, sinking its fangs into my arms. Even as the blinding pain shot up my arm, I shook the lion off, spotting and opening. Ducking as the lion attacked yet again, I rolled and went for its leg.

“Die!” I exclaimed, driving my sword through the beast’s leg. Howling in pain, it snarled ferociously and leapt towards me, blood spraying everywhere. Grinning, I slammed the butt of my sword straight between its eyes, plunging my sword hilt-deep into its ugly face as it crumpled to the ground. Yanking the sword out of its face, I watched in disgust and pride as it melted into the ground, leaving nothing but a really, really bloodied lion pelt.

Roaring in triumph, I raised the pelt high over my head. That’s when I realised Thad and Nico were in trouble. Having changed back to human form like me, their backs were pressed tightly together, moving in a circle as the hyena and dragon drew nearer. Knowing I had to help, I sprinted towards them, slick with blood, vaulting over a shocked hyena and thrusting the sword into the dragon’s eye. Quickly sliding off the blinded dragon, I smirked as my friends gaped at me in awe.

“Now would be a good time to help…” I hinted, bringing Thad’s sword down on the hyena’s back, then dodging, rolling, and finishing it off the same way as I did the lion. (A/N it’s starting to get a bit boring, so...) By the time I stepped back, brandishing a hyena pelt, Thad and Nico had finished the dragon off. Admiring the two dragon horns on the ground, I tossed them to Thad and Nico.

“Thought we would have to carry this big boy’s skin home.” I joked, draping the two pelts over my shoulders. “Speaking of home, where are we going? Thad’s place?”

“…You’ll find out…” Nico said slyly, pumping his fist into the air, right next to Thad’s. Assuming looks of intense concentration, they muttered something under their breath. I was beginning to think that they were had gone mad, until a pure white pegasus streaked through the air, whinnying loudly.

“My pet. Like him?” Nico grinned and mounted the horse, motioning for Thad and me to follow suit. Still staring at the winged horse in disbelief, I climbed onto its back as it took off, rising higher and higher into the sky.

I enjoyed the view for about five minutes, before I passed out and everything turned black.

Guess where they're going! Camp Half-Blood! Yay! Just kidding. But seriously, guess. And reply. And read.

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