Camp Half-Blood and the first clue

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Chapter 6! Yay. Man, I feel so bad. Some people update twice a day! How long has it been? More than a week? Anyways this is pretty long. Enjoy!

"You're Aaron, right? And Thad and Nico I'm Percy. This is Annabeth, my girlfriend." The dark haired boy said to us warmly, gesturing to the blonde girl next to him. He emphasised the word girlfriend, as if it wasn't already obvious enough. Her hand was enveloped in his, and he was giving it a squeeze every now and then.

Percy and Annabeth had appeared just moments after we landed outside this Camp Half-Blood place. Simba had taken off immediately, leaving me feeling extremely vulnerable in the presence of these two teens, obviously older than me, who could be enemies. As it turns out, they were the welcoming committee of CHB.

"Why don't you guys come into camp and we'll bring you to see Chiron." Percy continued, turning to go into the camp. From what it looked like, there wasn't any form of border, unlike our camp. Weird. I guess they really trusted the dragon. I exchanged a look with Thad and Nico before following Annabeth and Percy.

Entering the camp, I couldn't help but let out a gasp. There were several cabins in the distance, arranged in a rectangle. Some of the buildings looked newly built, giving the others an old look. My eyes scanned over the cabins, searching for the one I could relate to, and I soon found the Zeus bunk. I wasn't like the one we had but it was still really grand. Well, they had to make it grand. I heard my ancestor had some pretty bad tantrums. There was also a big log cabin near us, an amphitheatre and a climbing wall with, wait, was that lava?

"Impressive, huh?" Percy smirked and said, noticing me checking out the place.

"Yeah," I replied, "but our camp is pretty cool too."

"Well, we've rebuilding ever since the Titan War. Annabeth's the designer."

The moment he mentioned the war, I felt Thad and Nico stiffen behind me. Thad expression had immediately hardened. In fact, if looks could kill, I'm sure Percy would be dead by now.

"We've fought in the war too, you know." He muttered, barely enough for us to hear. His voice was strangely harsh, which was weird. Why was he being all defensive all of a sudden? Percy glanced at me and I shrugged, just as clueless as he was.

"I didn't know there were others who fought with us." He said softly, as if afraid of angering Thad. Of course, it just made him angrier.

"Did you think you did all that on your own? Did you really think that? We fought with you! Hell, even the Romans fought with you at Mount Othrys! We were all in it together!" Thad flared up, practically screaming in Percy's face, ignoring the strange looks we got from the passing campers. He was livid, staring daggers at everyone who walked passed.

"Chill, man," I said slowly, unsure of whether Thad would flare up again. After an awkward silence in which Thad refused to make eye contact with anyone, not even Nico, Percy finally spoke again.

"Look, I really didn't know, okay? You can speak to Chiron or Mr D about it, but I had no idea. I'll just let you know that I didn't exactly have an easy time fighting either."

"Fine. I'm sorry then." Thad said, not sounding very sorry at all.

"Uh...Let's go, shall we?" Annabeth spoke up for the first time, and at a rather awkward time, I might add. We shuffled after Percy and Annabeth, or at least I shuffled. Thad stomped his way forward.

After walking for a while, we arrived in front of the log cabin. Percy opened the door and motioned for us to go in, and I hesitantly inched in. There were two men seated at a table playing a card game, a middle aged guy and pudgy dude drinking diet coke and grapes. A satyr, or faun, depending on whether you were Greek or Roman, stood by his side, holding the plate of grapes. The middle aged man looked up as the door opened, but the pudgy dude continued to scowl at the cards in his hand. Thad cleared his throat loudly and purposefully, and this time, the pudgy dude looked up, immediately frowning at the sight of us.

"What do you want?" He snapped.

"Mr D, these are the campers from the other camp. They've come to see Grover. Remember?" Annabeth prompted politely and realisation flashed across Mr D's face.

"Ah, yes. Aaron, Thad and Nico. I'm Chiron." The middle aged guy stood up, revealing that he was a centaur, then shook our hands. "Let's go find Grover, shall we?" At this, Mr D scowled but kept silent. We left the cabin in silence, until I finally gathered the guts to break the silence.

"So...uh...Are you the camp commandant or something?"

"I'm Chiron, the activities director at Camp Half-Blood." Chiron stated, smiling kindly. He reminded me of Mr Velitel, except he was, well, half horse. At a loss for what else to say, I walked on, taking in my surroundings. I could see a forge in the distance, and we were walking along a strawberry field. The intoxicating scent of strawberries filled my nostrils with every step that I took. It was amazing. We suddenly came to a halt and I was confused for a while, until seeing a boy around the same age as Percy standing in the middle of the field, playing his reed pipes.

"G-man!" Percy called out and the curly-haired boy turned around, smiling broadly at us. He walked over and I could see his furry goat legs and the horns on his head. He was a satyr.

"Grover is our scout." Nico said to me, waving at him. Grover grinned, and his smile faded as he seemed to remember something.

"Sorry about your missing camper. We once had a missing camper too. Me." His frowned once again turned into a grin. "But I found something that might help you. Come with me and I'll show you."

^_^ (you should know what this is)

"Here." Grover handed us a blank disc of metal. Seeing the confused look our faces, he continued. "It only shows you something if a demigod touches it."

"Oh! Dotknout kov! We learnt about it at camp. Yeah, it only reveals information to us." Thad exclaimed excitedly. This was the first time he had spoken since the argument with Percy.

Grover handed the disc over to us, and true enough, the moment the cool metal came into contact with our hands, spidery writing appeared all over the disc.

Dear whoever reads this,

Help me! I don't know where I'm going, but I'm in van. A big, black van-

"Seriously? What is this, some kind of movie?" Nico said and Thad slapped him in the back of his head, making a shushing noise.

-. I was kidnapped by a bunch of Cyclops'. Did you know they could drive? Never mind. Wherever you found this, just keep heading south. At least I think we're headed south. I can't really tell. I should be leaving a trail of these whenever I can.

Hurry, please.


"Gosh, she bothered to sign off?" Once again, Nico let out a completely useless comment.

"Will you shut up? Grover, where did you find the disc?" Thad growled, obviously on speaking terms with the CHB campers now.

"Manhattan. The disc itself was pretty close to Percy's home. It was in plain view, so don't worry too much about finding it. The mortals probably thought it was litter or something. They have a habit of doing that." Manhattan? That was pretty close to our old school. If Thad and Nico realised this, they didn't say anything, because Nico was still sulking and Thad looked thoughtful.

"It shouldn't take long to get to Manhattan from here... We should leave as soon as we can, right?" I said, unsure of the plan and my knowledge of the distance from Camp Half-Blood to wherever Percy lived in Manhattan. Thad spoke up almost immediately, as if breaking out of his previous trance.

"Let's go."

Okay, so I don't know if there's such a type of metal, i just made it up. I also made up the fact that they fought in the war. So don't sue me. By the way, most of the unfamiliar words here are in Czech. Like Aaron's last name. And the new metal. It could also be in Italian. Don't ask me why i choose Czech, it's just a cool language.

All Percy Jackson characters belong to Rick Riordan. Sorry to those who don't get it..

Peace out.

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