The venti arrive

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Alright! Chapter 5! I tried attaching the pic I drew of Thad and Nico for one of the chapters, but I dont think it worked. Just letting ya know. Enjoy!

"Thad! We have to go!" Nico shouted, trying to pull him away from Jordan, who had a death grip on him, hugging him tightly, tears running down her cheeks. Jordan was seriously emotional when it came to saying farewell to her boyfriend.

"Iris message me, okay?" She said through her tears, letting go of him before giving him a peck on his cheek. Next to me, Nico rolled his eyes.

"Ooo, Thad, I love you, marry me, okay?" He squeaked in a bad imitation of Jordan's voice. Scowling, she smacked him playfully on his arm, running off to her bunk, the Aphrodite bunk, for morning roll call. It was seven in the morning, perfect timing to set off for a quest in which we might lose our lives. Note the sarcasm. Sighing, I slung my backpack, which I had hastily stuffed with some clothes, drachmas (Greek money) and food, over my shoulders, walking over to the border, flanked by my two friends.

Walking over to the exit, I took one last look at the camp, and I have a feeling that this will probably be the last time I'll be seeing it in a long, long time. Placing my hand on the door, I feel myself thrown forward across an invisible boundary and find myself face to face with the all too familiar coliseum.

"So where are we headed?" I question, walking forwards.

"Uh...Long Island Sound. (A/N sound familiar, Percy Jackson fans? ;)) We'll find out where to go from there." Thad answered uncertainly, checking his phone as he did so. Yeah, he got an iPhone. Lucky dog. "Aw...Jordan misses me."

"At this rate, Kiara'll be dead by the time we find her. Can we hurry? I'll call Simba." Nico snorted, raising his fist in the air and walking over to Thad, bumping his shoulder.

"Simba?" I wonder out loud, then realise who they were referring to, seeing Nico's actions. "Your pegasus, right? Strange name for him."

"Exactly! That's what I tried to tell him! But noooo...He wouldn't listen. It's a perfectly good name, he insisted." Thad took the opportunity to say. I chuckled and he placed his fist next to Nico's, summoning Simba. I still can't believe he named a pegasus Simba.

A loud whinny interrupted my thoughts, signalling Simba's arrival. A blur of white streaked through the air and landed on the ground next to us. We mounted him, then took off into the cool morning air. This time, I stayed awake, having recently found out how to control the air around me, being the son of Zeus and all. It was a relatively nice view, with the exception of Simba liking to fly way above the clouds and me only being able to catch glimpses of the lush forest beneath us. Still, the sun rose as we flew, and if you think it looks good from the ground, you should see it in the air. It's absolutely stunning. I admired the slow ascend of the sun before Simba started to fly down.

Suddenly, Simba lurched sideways, and I slid off his back.

"What the-" I started, but Nico cut me off.

"Simba says it wasn't him. It was-" This time, it was his turn to be cut off.

"Me." A voice rasped from behind me. I spun around, still clinging onto Simba's back for dear life. A figure, made of nothing but swirling black vapour, with wings like an angel's, just made of black smoke, hovered behind me, crackling with electricity.

"Anemoi!" Thad gasped, face turning pale. "But...they don't attack us!"

"I serve one master, and he told me to kill you." The anemoi, or wind spirit, cackled and shot a gust of wind at me, causing me to let go of Simba's body and fall into the sky. Thankfully, my Zeus descendant's instincts kicked in and I flew up, coming face to face with the shocked spirit.

"Descendant of Zeus, eh? He told me there would be one. Oh well, I guess you'll be even more fun to kill. Dying in your ancestor's territory must be so tragic." He (or at least I figured it was a he) laughed and lunged for me, sending a bolt of lightning straight at me. I dodged it easily and yawned, taunting him. Growling, he attacked again, but I dodged it again and changing into fox form, sent a bolt of electricity of my own at him. He was knocked backwards and I quickly signalled for Nico and Thad to leave while they had a chance. Nico got the message and led Simba away quietly, not before turning into a meerkat and shooting a strong jet of water at the wind spirit.

Snarling, the wind spirit went for me again, but realising that my friends were getting away, he shot a lightning bolt at them. I knocked them off course, hoping that they wouldn't get struck, then changed back to human form, pulling the chain from my neck and charging at the anemoi while he was momentarily distracted. Swinging the Imperial Gold blade at him, I watched as he disintegrated and turned into wisps of smoke. Hearing loud whinnies from behind me, I turned and saw that Simba's mane was on fire, probably set alight by the lightning, and Nico was trying to put it out but failing due to Simba's constant movement. Eventually, he put the fire out and I hopped onto Simba, exhausted, and we continued to fly downwards.

We soon landed on the ground, next to a pine tree with a dragon curled up next to it.

"Where are we? Mind you, I want some answers this time." I asked.

"We are at our scout's rendezvous point. Camp Half-Blood."

Alright! I just did a crossover with the story I got my inspiration from. Hmmm... Awkward. I hope people besides my friends are reading this, cos I think I'm getting some views from other people. Tell me if you are reading this, kay? Not you, moog.

Peace out.

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