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Sorry I forgot to put this last time but here it is, I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin.

"Where are you taking me?" My voice cut through the sound of the heavy shackles being tightened around my wrists. Silence. I tried my best to stay calm and not throw a tantrum. I have a feeling that there will be painful consequences if I did. Hands grabbed my arms and hoisted me off the bed and onto my feet. The guards remained by my side and Levi, still expressionless, led the way outside the dark room. Sunlight blinded me momentarily and the guards pushed me to continued walking. These guys mean business. My mind streamed with millions of questions. Where am I going? Why don't they speak? Will they kill me? I don't know, but if they planned on it why would they heal my wounds? The walk to the unknown destination continued for a few more minutes until Levi stopped and opened a door to the right in the never ending hallway. I followed after him and froze. The room was huge and resembled the courtrooms found in the city hall. Realization hit me hard. This was the same room Eren had to await trial in, but did that already happen? People filled the stands and stared at me expectantly, unfrozen from my trance I walked to the isolated chair in the center of the room. I sat down and the guards chained me to it. Why would I be on trial? Did I do anything wrong? I look down to my lap and my eyes widened. I am still wearing my dark blue jeans. I'm still wearing my clothes from the real world, except my white, cotton shirt that was covered in blood. My black converse were also still on my feet. Where do these people think I came from? Why would I be a threat? A loud harsh voice cut off my thoughts. I looked up to face a man with a white beard seated in the podium. He began to speak, but as expected it was all in Japanese. After he finished the room erupted with loud whispers, some were even yelling. I looked over to the members of what appeared to be a cult in confusion. Their gold necklaces made noise as they pointed at me accusingly in desperate and demanding tones. I didn't have to understand what they were saying in order to know they wanted me dead. Terror began to run through my body as I faced the older man in front of me. I mustered my voice and spoke up, "Please, I don't know why I'm here, but I assure you that I'm not a threat. I mean no harm. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble. Gomen." The entire room grew silent and stared at me with shocked faces. I turned to Levi for help, but he stood with the other surveycorps members emotionless as usual (shocker). After what seemed to be an eternity, the door I entered from opened with a bang revealing a woman wearing the surveycorps uniform with round glasses and her hair up in a ponytail, Hanji Zoe. Her scream of delight cut through the silence and made my ears ring. Before I had the chance to blink she was in my face studying me. The room erupted into protests and yells, but the man seated in front of me silenced them. After a short statement from Hanji, the man nodded and answered with confirmation. Oh God what did they agree to? The guards came up to my chair, unchained me, and dragged me to follow Hanji walking outside the room. If they agreed for her to dissect me I'm doomed. While planning my escape, the guards threw me into a room and closed the door. I closed my eyes and hope for the worst, but instead of being strapped onto a table for testing I felt the chains on my wrists fall off. I opened my eyes to a table seating a serious Erwin, a bored looking Levi Ackerman, a curious Armin, the smiling Hanji, and a surprised Jean Kristein. Relief washed through my veins as I stared at everyone seated. There aren't going to kill me, for now. An overly excited Hanji motioned to sit in the seat next to her. I cautiously walked and sat at the seat between her and Jean, the center of attention. Well, this is uncomfortable.

*Jean's POV*

"What do you mean she was found outside Wall Rose?" I asked very confused. That means that she survived inside Wall Maria, but that's impossible. Even the best soldier couldn't live in the titan infested area. How could an untrained girl survive?

"It means exactly that." Levi answered clearly bored. This guy pisses me of more than that suicidal bastard. Before I could yell back at him Armin's voice cut me off.

"Not just that. She isn't from behind the walls." He stated nervously his blue eyes boring into mine. Isn't from behind the walls?! It has been centuries since humanity built those walls to save themselves from extinction. Is it possible there has been survivors? I looked to Erwin seated across from me with a troubled expression.

"How?" My question was never answered. The sound of the door opening caught everyone's attention. I turned around to see Hanji walking to seat beside me and a girl standing in the doorway wrapped in bandages staring ahead of her with questioning eyes. Whatever thought I had in my mind was wiped clear as I stared gaping at the girl. She had light brown hair that reached her back and bright green eyes that glowed of her tan skin. She looked my age and was about Hanji's height, with a slim figure. She was incredibly beautiful, even though she had many cuts on her face and her loose white shirt was stained with patches of blood. I took note of her unusual pants and shoes. It wasn't until she started to walk to the empty seat beside me until I was out of the trance and closed my mouth. Thankfully no one noticed. This girl was seriously shoving any thought of Mikasa out of my mind. I need to know her. I took a sideway glance at the girl who began to take a seat next to me. Her face remained unreadable as she silently studied everyone. Hanji's obviously excited voice destroyed the silence.

"Hello! My name is Hanji Zoe! The dark fellow next to me is Captain Levi. The boy is Armin, that's my superior Erwin, and the one besides you is Jean Kristein. What's your name?" I resisted the urge to lean closer to the girl. Where was she from? The room was silent for a few seconds until the girl answered in a language I've never heard before. Her steady voice spoke in a tone that sounded like a question until she sighed. What language was that? That certainly confirms she isn't from these walls, but where? Hanji looked at the girl fascinated and pointed at herself repeating her name. Understanding what she meant the strange girl pointed at herself and spoke.

"Cristine Davidson." Hanji clapped with joy and everyone else remained silent. Cristine, a normal name. I continued to stare at her as she pointed at Levi with a serious expression. "Captain. Petra. Gunther. Erd. Aurou." Levi's eyes immediately widened then his face darkened. Even I know what happened to his squad of elites. Each died, but how will she know their names? As if that wasn't already confusing, tears began to fall from her eyes. Did she know they died?! She quickly wiped them away then pointed at Armin. "Mikasa. Eren. Titan." She said the last word slowly. Did she know that Eren was a titan-shifter? She just woke up today and never met him, how would she know that? Armin appeared surprised then studied her matching her determined expression. She skipped Erwin and stared right into my eyes. I was caught off guard by the sadness in them. "Marco." I felt my own eyes widen when she said the name of my fallen friend. How? The entire room fell into a deeper silence and even Hanji stayed quiet staring at the girl. Who was she?

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