Cuddling Somewhere

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"Nezumi~" Shion whined, stretching his chin to rest on the arm of the couch.

"What now?!" Nezumi snapped back.

"I'm cold!"

"Hi cold, I'm Nezumi."

"Very funny." Shion pouted and glared at the floor.

Shion grumbled under his breath, and refused to look up at Nezumi. Hamlet scampered himself onto Shion's shoulder, offering comfort. He snuggled into the small rat. A rodent loves me more then Nezumi does, Shion thought bitterly. He grabbed one of the blankets off of the coffee table, and wrapped himself in a burrito shape in it. Shion stared sadly at the floor, mumbling to himself.

Nezumi sighed, and walked to the kitchen. He warmed some water, and made two cups of tea. He grabbed the mugs, walking back into the living room. Nezumi set the mug in front of Shion, then sat beside him. The smell of the tea filled the air, and Shion smiled slightly. It reminded him of his mother.

At the thought Shion frowned once more. His mother's been in his mind a lot lately, and it's been making him depressed. Nezumi noticed how he wasn't as cheerful lately, and it was starting to worry him.

Making sure he wouldn't freak Shion out, Nezumi slowly moved closer to Shion; as if testing Shion's limits. Seeing no move of discomfort, Nezumi wrapped his arms around Shion.

"You alright? You've been down lately," Nezumi whispered quietly to him.

"I'm fine," Shion insisted.

"Then why are you crying?"

"I'm not-" Shion began, but when he touched the pads of his fingers to his cheeks. Sure enough they were warm and wet with the salty liquid.

"It's alright to be upset," Nezumi replied quietly, pulling Shion closer.

Shion's expression fell, and he cried into Nezumi's chest. Nezumi did his best comforting Shion; rubbing his back, and hugging him close. After Shion calmed down, Nezumi saw Shion grin like his old self.

"I never took you for a teddy bear," Shion grinned even larger.

"Shut up and cuddle me," Nezumi grunted, but he really was just a big softie on the inside.

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