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dear maura,

one thing i never complimented you about was your laugh.

it was a rare thing to hear but when it filled my ears, i felt immense joy. your giggles, chuckles, chortles, guffaws, were 10 seconds of pure glee. it was those brief breaks from mental torment and you could properly enjoy life.

you loved those dorky youtube videos. you know, the "try not to laugh or grin while watching this." if the clips contained any animal mishaps or babies laughing over the most random things, you'd be a goner. you would begin to giggle and snort then i would chuckle at you and that caused you to laugh even harder. i had to suppress a smile just to relieve you of laughing too hard.

oh how you looked when you giggled.

you would crinkle your freckled nose and squint your eyes tightly. i cherished those moments, for it was one of the few times my girlfriend could breathe easily and let her heart blossom with joy.

then there would also be those times when i did something incredibly stupid and you just doubled over in snorts. remember that one time when i slid on stage during the opening show. i couldn't tell whose face was redder.

or even the time i tried to do a drop sit on our trampoline and fell through the lining. to be fair it was weak material and i plummeted pretty hard.

wow just writing those few paragraphs have relieved me of some grief. it feels as if you're here and i'm sending you these cheesy love notes while you're away.

if only you could return.

damn, hope i don't want to get any tears on this letter. it needs to be perfect for you. perfection for the perfect girl.

where has this note gone?

but yes, your laugh.

your chortles were like all the happiest things in life - puppies, babies, sunshine, ice cream, love - was combined into one sound that erupted from you.

wow, i'm surprised this letter isn't made of corn from how cheesy it is.


and now this note is ruined whoop freaking dee-doo

i hope you got a laugh out of that

love, luke

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