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dear maura,

i visited the spot.

you remember, the small coffee shop on 2nd, where i first met you. it seemed like a lifetime ago.

rain was falling down harder than ever that day. droplets splashed the pavement as i ducked into the building.

the invigorating and homey scent of coffee and other morning delights filled my lungs as the electric heater provided warmth. what an intoxicating aroma, however not intoxicating as you my dear.

distressed wooden counters curved into an alcove where the drinks were prepared. i ordered a simple black coffee, hoping to relieve myself of the stubborn frost.

when i had paid for and received my plain mixture i scanned around for a seat.

"oh, sir," the clerk advised, "you'll need to sit at one of the tables; the booths were just painted, and they are not dry yet."

eliminating all booths, i caught sight of three tables and you. your elegant chocolate locks framed your angelic face. a blue flannel was wrapped around your shoulders with a striped shirt underneath it.

i didn't want to be that awkward young man occupying a lonely table, so i worked up the courage and walked up to your table.

little did i know it would be the best decision i've ever made.

you were quietly sipping your herbal tea whilst listening to music from your earbuds.

"and when i walk on by, i hope it gives you hel-- oh," you sang, suddenly noticing me.

i couldn't comprehend an introduction for you due to your sparkling eyes. i was utterly lost in them.

"i was wondering if i could sit near you u-u-unless you had someone else accompanying you," i sheepishly questioned.

with a bright smile and a wave, you invited me to reside in the chair opposite to you.

we traded names and general background information. it seemed a little bizarre to inform you have such trivial and semi private knowledge, but you acted in such friendly manner i couldn't help myself.

that's one thing i didn't acclaim you on: your pure benevolence.

love, luke

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