Chapter 8

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"Why would you say that?!"

"You didn't hear what she was saying Miley said.

I jump in the air a little excited "really what did she say?!".

"I will never repeat what she said if you really want to know go talk to her".

I'm not sitting in the most lamest class I've ever sat in... ALGEBRA, like seriously, who needs to know what A square plus B square equals C square why are there even letters in math to begin with?!

After another huff and puff of frustration and confusion its lunch time FINALLY.

"Hey miley ready for lunch?"

"Girl you look like you got hit by a truck I know algebra isn't that bad?"

"Says the one that is still in Algebra one when you should be in Algebra 3."

"Ouch I'm hurt."

We make it into the cafeteria and as I step in the whole room goes so silent all you can here are the lunch ladies banging their pans in the back.

"Haha we've never made anyone so speechless Emiley... well besides the time you shifted in front of an old lady on an accident and scared her to death...literally."

As I'm looking around I nobody is looking at us but rather behind us.

Me and Miley turn our heads and we both come face to face with none other than the Sabrina, Scarlet, and Danny.

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