Chapter 29

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Miley POV

I slowly start regaining consciousness.
I start to look around seeing Sabrina's crew still asleep.
"Hey shes awake" some man says then walks away.
A woman appears in front of me. I just look up at her without a word then she removes her hood.

"HI sweetie its been awhile"

"Mom why are we trapped here we must get back to Sabrina and Emiley"

"Nonsense child your not trapped"

"So why did you tranquilize me and Sabrina's crew and have us locked in this room"

I then hear groans coming from beside me, its Scarlet starting to awaken.

Me and my mom just watch Scarlet get adjusted to the room until she notices us and her eyes widen when she sees my mom.

"Do you two know eachother or am I missing something?" I question them.

Scarlet then trys to dig threw her pants pockets in search for im assuming a gun.

"Don't worry Scar you and your crew have been disarmed."

Scarlet starts trying to wake up the rest of her crew.

"Mom what's going o-"
A loud howling stops me from finishing my sentence.

"She just loves to cry wolf huh" my mom says.

I furrow my brows questionably that was a bit rude for my mom to say that especially about Emiley but I just shrug it off maybe its nothing.

Scarlet gets the rest of her crew up still looking a bit groggy.

"Mom we are leaving right now i must get back to Emiley"

"No sweetheart you and your friends can't leave im sorry."

I just look at her confused as to why she wont let us leave.

"We are leaving wether you like it or not mother" I say sternly while we all stand at the sametime.

My mom raises her eyebrows in surprise "we'll see" she then turns on her heel and walks out the door hearing a clicking sound.

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