Chapter 22

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Emiley POV

"Emiley you have to tell her when the doctor releases her shes already seen your eyes." Miley tells Emiley worriedly.

"Yes, yes I know just give me some time shes not ready."

"Whatever Emiley, she has to know sooner rather than later."

While me and Miley are talking Scarlet, Danny, and Mason come crashing into the room causing the door to slam open hitting the wall.

"You guys need to me quieter shes got a small concussion and shes asleep" I tell the three.

Each of them turned toward me and Miley with angry looks and next thing I know is Mason has me pinned to the wall while Danny has Miley pinned next to me on the wall.

I keep my head down while shutting my eyes as hard as I could trying to hold back my anger.
'Let's tear them apart teach them who's boss.' Tank says growling in the back of my head.
'We cant their just humans.'

Scarlet decides to speak up "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER."

I'm trying to focus on anything but the situation and Miley senses it so she steps up.
"We didnt do anything it was just an accident shes fine." Miley spat.

"Does it look like shes fine shes unconscious with scrapes all over her!" Scarlet says yelling in her ear.

'Uh oh now shes ticking off Miley its about to go down.'
'Shut up Tank.'

I start to hear a groaning noise and everyones heads turn to Sabrina.

"Can yall shut up and get a nurse." Sabrina tells us groggily. "I have a bad headache."

"Yeah sure anything for you" I tell her.

"Oh no we will you two are leaving right now I dont even want to see you both around her again" Scarlet spats at both me and Miley.

And thats when all hell broke lose....

Sorry I haven't updated recently I just had my birthday and I've been busy with my family.

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