Ready To Rule

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"I want to feed the pigs today San" Y/N cried out in plead while Wooyoung's eyes widened in surprise.

"Y/N no! You'll get dirty" Wooyoung protested not allowing her sister to do it, the two guards' face cringe at the thought as San agrees with the Prince. San acted a bit off today which she chose to ignore it since her brother is there. She wanted to talk to him alone but she also wanted to wait for the right moment.

Y/N roll her eyes at the males who are discusted by the idea of feeding the pigs "thats the reason we came here though" she took the pigfed from San's hands as San grew panic.

"Do you even know how to feed them?" San ask worriedly but when she skillfully feed them, San knew he doesn't have to worry anymore. "I've seen you do it almost everyday San, why wont I?" she only answered and continue feeding them.

The love in San's eyes couldnt be unnoticed even for the Prince and the guards but they all chose to ignore it. For they all knew, he didnt stand a chance anyway.

"I cant do this anymore" Wooyoung says tiredly after sweating like a waterfall. "For Magna's sake Jung Wooyoung, you've been planting only two seeds" Y/N sigh at the dramatic boy.

"If this is what you do everytime you sneak out, I swear I'm not following you again! Ever!!" Wooyoung shouted in panting. San grew nervous and guilty at that. He knew the works are extreme for the Princess too but he cannot skipped going to the farm and the Princess always seems happy to join him.

"I dont mind doing these works though" Y/N only keeps smiling as she pick some eggplants. She notice the sun and realized its almost pass noon and calls everyone for a break. Even Jongho and Mingi who are struggling to plant the seeds.

"I got foods for all of us" Y/N told them as they took their place in a circle with San on her right side. She distributed the food but kept one to herself in particular before gesturing them towards San. "This is for you San" she casually says as the other three eye them in jealous.

"Why is San getting the special one? We are the one planting all day and all he do is shout what to do" Wooyoung complained. San felt guilty again "You can ha..."

"Nonsense Wooyoung! San is the most hardworking among all of you. Besides, you guys get to eat the Palace food everyday but San does not. Look at him, cant you even see how skinny he is. You three are thick as hell and musculine too. Dont you even feel pity for San?" she scold the three of them as San turned away face flushed red by how she sounds very concern for him.

"I didnt even say anything" mumbled Jongho followed by "same" from Mingi and everyone laugh except for Wooyoung who keeps on getting sulky.

"Dont worry Wooyoungie, San is a very good boy, he's very nice to be with so stop worrying, besides Mingi is there". Y/N has been trying to convince her Brother in receiving a tour with San.

"But what if he brings me to do another field work?" she smack her Brother's arm in disbelief "he's not that cruel now hurry up I have to get back already".

"Make sure he sees the fountain okay San?" Y/N shout to the boy as she receives "will do". She then headed back home with Jongho who is pretty much her personal bodyguard now.

Y/N headed to the Palace medicinal home. She is then met with a rather older man who ask her what her problem is. "I cant sleep at night" she says worriedly. "What keeps you up at night?" the King's doctor asked again.

"Everything! The Kingdom! On how we could improve the Kingdom. How we could help the poor..." she began ranting as Jongho stand on her side, putting one hand on her shoulder giving her a light squish to not get nervous and that she's doing well.

"Princess..." the doctor started " have a very serious problem" "what..." "I dont know how to help you but all I can say is that you are ready to rule"

Y/N widened her eyes before laughing out loud "the throne belongs to Wooyoung, my Brother".

The doctor only smile at her before calling his son to bring something out.

"Dont think too much and I can give you some medicine to help you feel sleepy"

"Here Father..." "Thank you my Son"

The doctor's son then turns towards the two before smiling widely and bowed a little before the Princess.

"Hello nice to meet you Princess, my name is Hongjoong" he beemed happily, pleased to have met the Princess in his home.

The princess cant help but smile back happily at him "Nice to meet you too Hongjoong, and you can call me Y/N...and this is Jongho my guard" the two males look at each other and share a smile that already shows we're going to be a good friends.

The three teens continue chatting as the doctor made something, most likely the sleeping liquid medicine and after he was done, he gesture them towards the Princess.

"Here, take a small amount each night you could not fall asleep and it will help you"

"Thanks a lot doctor, and dont tell about this to my parents please" she pleaded and from the look of it she knows that she can trust the old man.

"I wont and like I said, stop thinking too much okay" the doctor patted the Princess' head lovingly before she and jongho turns towards the door. Just as they are reaching outside the door, she looked back and smile widely.

"Thank you once again and bye Hongjoong, see you again next time"

The Farmer - Choi San Where stories live. Discover now