goodbye konaha

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The wind hit my hair as it flew in my face I was about to become a missing nin "sakura please don't leave."naruto pleaded.
I turned towards him "how do you feel when people call you weak all the time!"I yelled making his eyes widened.
"sakura just come back we can work it out."he said.
I turned around "its to late for that."I said walking out the gate.
"then what about sasuke."he said I stopped in my tracks.
"it's to late for that."I said looking at him "goodbye naruto."I said before running into the woods.
I felt a tear go down my face it was time for me to get a lot more stronger.
I thought looking back at were naruto was standing but isn't now.

Naruto's Pov

When sakura told me she was leaving I felt my heart brake.
I ran towards where lady tsunade was which was her office.

When I got there I ran inside the room.
"what did I tell you naruto not to just barging in!"tsunade hissed holding her temple
"well uh this is important."I said.
She lifted her head up and sighed "what is it naruto?" She asked .
I took a deep breath before saying it "sakura left the village because people thought she was weak."I said I saw her eyes widened.
"go get me the anbu we can't lose someone else!"she said getting up.
"hai tsunade!"I said before walking out of the room.
Hello um this is where I am going to end this chapter I know its not good and I tried my best so please dont right mean comments so yea so comment vote or share thank you bye.

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