"Shante wake the hell up!" I screamed as I walked into the spare bedroom of my house. It was now Noon and this bitch was still sleep. She needed to tell me what me happened in that car with Anthony.
"Kris shut up." She said burying her head deeper into the pillows and blankets. I walked up to the bed and snatched the covers off her body.
"You have some explaining to do." I said as I sat down next to her in the bed. I handed her a bottled water and three tablets of aspirin. My friend was a light weight, I swear she can't handle her liquor worth shit.
Shante sat up in the bed and popped the pills in her mouth and took a sip of the water I handed her. "What?" She said looking confused.
"Stop playing and tell me what the hell happened." I said getting more and more irritated by her.
She dropped her head and looked down at the cover for a few seconds. "I fucked up Kris." She said as her eyes started to water.
"You fucked him Shante? Come on Girl why would you do that dumb shit?" This girl had officially lost her damn mind. Women would kill for a man like Derek and here she goes cheating on a good man while he's home with their kids.
"No matter how much I try to ignore my feelings or tell myself how much I should hate him I can't. I love him, and I know I sound stupid I know I made a stupid mistake last night but-"
I cut her ass off before she could finish. "Shante Anthony is married to another MAN" I yelled, putting an extra emphasis on man. "He's married to the man that fathered my kids. Anthony left you mentally before you left him physically. He had been sleeping with a man since college and your gonna sit here and say you still love him?" I said trying to understand. This is my best friend but the bitch is being dumb right now.
"I know it sounds bad. I just can't shake the feeling." She said wiping her face. I grabbed her hand in mine and squeezed it. I honestly felt bad for her, I had time to heal after Philip and she didn't get the chance to do that after her and Anthony. I had never known that she still feels that way about him.
"Are you gonna tell Derek?" I asked her still holding on to her hand.
"There's so many things Derek already doesn't know." She said reaching over and grabbing her ringing phone off the night stand.
"Kids come sit down to eat" I yelled standing at the bottom of the stairs. All four of my kids came running down the stairs ready to eat lunch. I made their plates and set them on the kitchen table for them to eat. I walked over to bassinet and looked at Layla to make sure she was still sleeping. She had only been back home with us for a few days and it already seemed like she has been here forever.
I sat down on the couch and picked up my cell phone and dialed Anthony's number. I had been trying to get in contact with him all morning but his phone was going straight to voicemail. He had left last night around midnight and said he had an emergency. Im gonna give him a few more hours before I start calling the jails and hospitals.
I picked up my phone from my nightstand and read the text message that was on my screen.
We need to talk. Meet me at the Hilton Hotel on 28th in an hour. -Anthony
I sat my phone down and looked up at Kristen who was looking at me confused. "Can I use your car?" I said putting a fake smile on my face. "I'll be back in a few hours." I said jumping out of the bed and running to the bathroom so I could take a quick shower and go meet Anthony to talk.