Chapter 30

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One week later:

Third Person POV:

One week has passed since jungkook left to America. It wasnt easy for both jungkook and jimin. As promised, jungkook would talk with jimin every night before going to sleep, as if he cant sleep seeing his baby's face. Even though jungkook would be tired as hell, even though all he wanted to go back to hotel and sleep,but he never forgot to talk with jimin. The thing jungkook was overworking there. If there is one meeting per day. He will arrange two or three meetings a day. He might have skipped few meals. But thank God namjoon was there to make that stupid bunny to eat something. Namjoon knew what jungkook is doing. And all he could do was sigh.

On the other hand, jimin was being a lil quiet. In one week he only went to jungkook's house two times. He was feeling down so he went there, and sure mrs.jeon would make jimin happy. Mrs.Jeon really couldn't suppress her happiness. Whenever she will see jimin, she will also become happy. And there jimin also learned to make two more favorite things of jungkook.Jimin is really excited to make the food for jungkook when he will come. But the question is. Will he come? If yes then..when?.

They would video chat,but never showed their teary eyes to each other and would just put on a happy face infront of camera. They both didnt anything what they are hiding behind the camera. The tears of missing each other presence.

Yes maybe its just a week, just seven days for others. But only true lovers know,how their days pass without being with each other.

They want each other. The need each other.
Jimin was also feeling so down because his birthday is coming and...his jungkookie isnt here. He is not here with him to celebrate his birthday. He felt really sad. He was contemplating on, does jungkook knows his birthday?, or what if he does and forgot to wish him because of his damn work?. Older just wanted jungkook here right now. The first tear of his longing fell from his eyes when he thought about this.But what he can do? Nothing but just wait.

Right now jimin is sitting on bed reading a romantic comic book. On the other hand yoongi is styling his hair.

"Jimin-ah, im ready lets go?"yoongi asked as he picked up his phone.Jimin nodded and stood up,putting his book on a side table drawer.

"Ahh im nervous"yoongi said and jimin gave a lil assuring smile.

"Dont worry hyung, everything will go alright"yoongi looked at his brother.

"What-What if appa wont accept him Jimin-ah?"yoongi asked in a paniking tone. Yes when a week ago yoongi was so hyped about someone's arrival. That one was his boyfriend Hyunjae. Jimin might have thought for a second about jungkook but it soon crushed when yoongi said Hyunjae is coming in two days. Means its been 5 days already since Hyunjae came. Jimin met him and he really is a nice person. And today yoongi will tell mr.park about him being in a relationship and hyunjae will come to their house and yoongi is panicking already.
Jimin stood behind the door of the kitchen,peeking through a small gap. He didnt have the courage to face mr.park,so he decided to peek through the door gap.

"Ap-Appa....he is-he is Hyunjae my b-boyfriend"yoongi stuttered badly,he shut his eyes as soon as he blurted out his words to mr.park. Hyunjae gave a smile and garbbed his boyfriend's hand tightly to assure him. Jimin was crossing his fingers, as he really wanted to mr.park not to yell at his beloved hyung and just accept his son's love.

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