It's All a Game

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November 24th, 2014

Relying on others for any sort of emotional fill should be illegal. Constantly relying on someone to fill a gaping, wide open, empty hole of nothingness that consumes your life is just wrong. 

Humans are so strange. I find myself questioning our species every chance I get.

Why must we want the things we cannot have? 





Its all a game and who ever controls this universe loves to watch us play.

I suppose no one ever really wins the game, though. 

Everyone eventually ends their game; whether it be their doing or mother nature’s. 

I just find it strange how reliant we become on others. 

We should be able to wake up every day thankful for the person we are.

Thankful that we get to be who we are and love who we choose.

But all of that gets brushed under a giant rug. 

Every thought that should consume us- doesn’t. 

And why is that? 

Why does it take something catastrophic to fill our minds with such thoughts of appreciation?

I intend to find out.

And I intend to feel more thankful for the person that i am. 

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