Maybe I Just Wish For The World

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November 30th, 2014

        No one ever told you life was easy. 

        I've never been told everything comes naturally or things just happen without you having to work for them. 

        But I have been told it will all be worth it eventually.

        All the bullshit, the lies, the tears- it all eventually meshes together to make a beautiful masterpiece which molds you into the individual you've always envisioned yourself as. 

        I've been waiting for that moment lately. All my fears, worries and most of all the bullshit- it's all corrupting me into something I wish I wasn't becoming.

        I'm jealous, greedy, selfish- and totally aware of it. Inside I'm wondering why I cannot stop it. Why can't I tame this becoming beast?

        I'm waiting for my moment. Where everything trickles down into this magical pile of something worthy of being called my life.

        Maybe I'm dramatic. Maybe I'm stubborn. But maybe I just wish for the world- and there's nothing wrong with that.

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