『 S T R O N G O N E 』

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Italics - The Masked Man or Claus speaking through Claus' mind
"Italics with quotation marks - dialogue"

Enjoy the cringe

After everything... The moment had finally came.
It's was time for me to pull the final dragon needle.

Everything will be back to normal...
I'll get my life back...
I'll get rid of that monster inside me...
No more orders...
No more crying...
No more blood...
No more pain...
I'll finally be whole again...
I'll get to see Mom again...

Right before I was going to grab the needle, I heard footsteps from behind. As I looked to see who it was, and I saw the people I least wanted to see.

A young woman with pink hair, wearing a purple oversized hoodie,

A thief wearing a blue shirt, hot pink pants, with a limp in one of his legs,

Our chocolate colored dog,

And my younger twin brother, Lucas.

I gasped and without thinking, I shot a giant lighting bolt at all of them.

The girl, the thief, and my dog collapsed, but since I forgot Lucas had a Franklin Badge, it didn't damage him at all. The lighting reflected back at me.

I fell to my knees and tried not to cry in pain.

I heard The Masked Man, my evil counterpart, speak to me,

Are you really going to cry because you got hit with a little bit of lighting? You've been through hell for the past 3 years! THIS IS NOTHING COMPARED TO THAT! You're so close to pulling the needle and getting your life back! Don't let your piece of trash of a brother keep you away from what your after!

I stood up. My brother used some type of PSI to increase his defense.

I charged at Lucas and slashed him with my sword, tears pouring from his eyes.

Hurting my brother broke my heart. I didn't want to hurt him at all.

The Masked Man spoke again,

If your brother really cared about you, he would support your cause and let you pull the needle. Don't feel bad for him. He is nothing.

Lucas looked at me in the eyes.

"Claus, if you're still in there, please... stop this... I am not going to hurt you, I can't, I won't! I could never hurt you! No matter what you do, you're still my brother, and I will always love you! So please drop your sword... P-please..."

Lucas spread out his arms for a hug.

I spread out my arms as well and walked towards him.

Lucas held me close, crying in my shoulder.


The Masked Man took over my body and quickly shot a beam at Lucas, It reflected back at me again because of my brother's Franklin Badge.

『 S T R O N G  O N E 』(Mother 3 AU)Where stories live. Discover now