The Mirror of Erised

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Many, many years ago, before the concept of magic had made it's self known to more than a handful of people there was a wizard of the highest caliber known as Alder Fawley.

Alder was not only a powerful wizard but a kind man. Unlike some of his magical brethren he did not believe in magic-blood supremacy, the early form of pure-blood supremacy.

A rather stout fellow, Alder was curious about the inner workings of magic, in a way he was the first unspeakable. One day he was creating a mirror that was meant to reflect the magical signature in a person, for a muggle it would show only tiny specks of light, indicating the magic that was in everything. For a powerful witch or wizard like Alder it would have shown a lot of light, and the light should have a color depending on your magical signature. The mirror did serve its purpose, at least for a little while, but because Alder did not actually complete the spell. Even though he didn't know that the spell hadn't completely worked, he still named the mirror the Mirror of Erised, as it was his greatest desire.

Many decades later the mirror was discovered by a young girl, this young girl was ever so entranced by the image of her mother in the mirror that she spent months wasting away in front of the mirror, barely eating or drinking.

One day, the girl decided to step a little bit closer to the mirror, she reached out and placed her hand on the glass, almost instantly she was sucked into the mirror. The mirror needed one more thing to complete it's spell, a human body and soul. There is a message carved into the mirror if you look closely, it reads, 'I show not your face but your heart's desire,' it shows not her face, but your heart's desire. 

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