The Hogwarts Hourglasses

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Every witch or wizard knows the story of how Hogwarts was founded, more or less. But, part of the tale is murky at best. The hourglasses were invented by Rowena Ravenclaw as a way to help Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin's houses and the men themselves sort out their rivalry in a more civil and orderly fashion.

Before Rowena placed the hourglasses in the entrance hall, she asked each of the founders to choose a gem or stone to place in their respective hourglass.

Gryffindor chose rubies, not only because they are red, but because they are said to represent passion and a zest for life.

Slytherin chose emeralds as they are said to be a gem of inspiration and infinite patience, things that Salazar would have wanted to gift his students with. Traditionally emeralds are green, which was probably another factor.

Rowena chose the sapphire because it is traditionally blue, and it is supposed to represent wise judgement, and bring good fortune and spiritual insight, all ideals that Rowena would have wanted her house to be blessed with.

Finally, Helga Hufflepuff. Helga was the only founder that chose a stone that is not one of "her" colors. She chose a diamond, because it represents strength of character, ethics and faithfulness to oneself and others. It is also said to encourage the aspect of truth and trust. There is a painting of Helga over the fireplace in the Hufflepuff common room, that has a quote we believe to be in reference to the hourglass.

The quote states; "Some a little rougher than others, true of Hufflepuffs and diamonds."

Everything in the castle is precise and purposeful, put there by at least one of the founders. 

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