Chapter 6

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Sorry and Forgiveness


" If you are going to starve to death here sir then, this will be the last time I will go here and bring you food to eat because I don't want everyone to say that I starve you" I said to him when I'm in, in his office. I did it because eventhough I got insulted by him, I still have a heart to not let him die here starving and that I know will result a big chaos. I held the urges to show him what I feel, right I wanted to cry, I wanted to show him that until right now it still hurts big time.

" Hey, can I call you, your name? And can we talk?"he said in a calm voice, gone the cold one. This time I looked at him straight in his eyes where pity is visible and I can't believe it anymore not now heart please I silently commanded my aching heart. Not now, it is not time yet to show the pain. Not until he will say sorry. Just one sorry and I will be okay.

" We are already talking sir, if you'll excuse me I have a lots of works in the office of mine" I pretended to be cold again to hide my slowly showing emotions. But this I don't think if I still be that hard to talked with. When I saw his eyes, I know I am lost again. And I hate to admit that he still jave that affects on me.

" Please sit down, lets clear up the things happen three months ago, I want to say sorry for doing that Zyrene, sorry that I acted lile that and sorry for everything I did. I know that it hurts you and I feel bad about that. Can we civil with each other and stop this argument between us I feel guilty and I hate to say this that I am also hurt with uou treatment on me" and the that as a cue I burst out. I couldn't hold it anymore, I let the emotions come out and I let my tears slowly flowing like a river. I did not expect him to stand and hugged me tight as if comforting me. It feels amazing to be in this man's arm, I never feel this warmth before not even to Nathan.

He hugs me and place his palm in my back as if I am baby he wants to sleep early. He let me wet his polo shirt and he does even shouted me instead he kiss my forehead which I'm shocked with. Before I could complained when looked up he already captures my lips and claimed it slowly as if it a fragile thing he doesn't want to be broken.

And with that action of him all the hatred is gone like a magic. My heart beats so fast like it have a car race inside. He slowly let go of my lips but my tears won't stop flowing, it is not a tears of pain anymore but tears of joy. He looked my eyes full of understanding and apologetic. He smile at me as if that smile will comforting me which is helping.

But that emotions he show to me does not stops the beating of my heart, it beats even more. I could not name this kind of emotion anymore. I feel that big load inside is gone now. I feel mixed emotions and it is overwhelming me. And damn it, I could not surpass a smile on my lips, it slips suddenly.

He slowly lean on me and eat the distance between us. And for the second time around he claimed my lips fully. This time I follow his moves to deepen the kiss we share, cherish and feel this moment. I feel that he smiles between my lips that makes smile too.

When we let go, he slowly wipe my tears with his palm and put small kisses on as if he is healing something. When he is finished, hugged me tigher again and slowly tapping my back.

" I am so sorry Zyrene, I am so sorry for the tears and pain I cause on to you. It is not what I wanted for, I just wanted you to distant a little to me because I am slowly falling I just denied it because I'm afraid to feel the love cupid throw on us. I afraid to lost someone I love again, I don't to be left alone that is why I did that to you which turns out I hurted you in the end you distant so much to me. This time I wanted to make the things go right. I am sorry my angel I regreted all of that actions that created. Everytime I saw you crying, I feel your pain that pains me double. This feeling is new to me, ever since just this time, just you made me feel this. I follow wherenever you go because I am afraid that you will realized and fly away from me. Everytime you go to one place and sit on there crying, I cried also that I did not know why. I just watch you meters away while slowly and painfully whispering sorry words. I am afraid to go beside you, I am really afraid to get dumped like what I did to you. Sorry, sorry my angel if I could only turn back time, I would not do that again. But then I am thankful that it happens because if not I would realize that I loved you already. I couldn't believe up until now that you replace my first love. You are a God sent to me angel. I know that you can't forgive me anymore but will you please remember that I love you and please don't leave yet I could not imagine my life without you. Those months with cold treatment is already hell for me eventhough it is my mistake why it turns out like that."

He said emotionally that melts my heart. It pains me too to know what happen to him. And I could not bare to not forgive this man whom I denied I do not love at first sight. I feel a liquid wet my shirt that makes me cry again. He is crying while saying those words, he cried while saying sorry which is he not the only one who did mistake. He cried while accepting those all pains I cause to him that I did not know.

He is crying because he hurt me and I feel him. This is too much I should not be not doing this, I should let him know that it enough and I am not angry with him. And that I forgave him already with all my heart in just one sorry.

" I'm sorry angel I did not think that you fragile too, sorry for forgetting that" he added with a soft voice. It makes me smile and it feels warming to hear him say sorry over again. " No need to be sorry again and again baby. You are not the only one who is responsible for all the pain. I have also cause pain to you sorry baby and I already forgive you with all my heart. Thank you for letting me know and thank you for apologizing to me. I also love you that is why it pains me more. Let's just forget the past and start a new memories we need to cherish up until we still breath, Okay?" he just nod his head then held my cheeks and kiss me again with our eyes filled with tears, tears of joy. My heart now feel nothing but love and it is amazing to forgive someone you love the most.

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