Chapter 11

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Wake up my love


Days had already passed, and Zyrene is still in her the bed. Eyes where close and looked like a vampire already. She is so pale and I blame myself for that. This will not be like this if did not trigger her when I get mad to know that she is the ex girlfriend of the bestfriend of mine, Nathan.

" Wake up now angel please, I miss you so much. I am afraid that I will not see your smile again. Afraid to not hear your voice nor your laugh. Please I beg you come back to my arms now. I promise I will make things right and at place when you wake. We will create new memories and I promise to not do the that will make you get mad and to make your heart more weak. Wake up now cause you already missed some things you know that I can't live without you so please take the steps to get back here already. I miss you so much angel, I miss your hugged and kisses. I love you so much Angel."

I kiss her hand and her lips  everytime I saw her like this my heart seems like broke into pieces. Everytime I saw her like this, I could rememer always how this end up like. Word and sorry will not be counted if you are going to because every now and then if I will be given so much time I will say sorry over again and again.

It's kinda inappropriate for a man to act like this but what can I say this is what I feel right now. It may sound embarrasing to everyon but I don't care anymore. I can do what ever I wanted to be and no one can stop it.

I stopped the thought when I hear the bang outside of the door. " Come in" I said and the door opens in a cue. I was surprise when I saw the last man I argue with before this things happen. It was Nathan, he was carrying a basket full of fruits and brought a bouquet of red roses as if he is here to serenade someone.

"What are doing here Nathan?" I asked with crocked brows.  " I am here to apologize and to say sorry that I did not told you before the name of my ex. But I am factly not sorry for what happened and for loving her even if she is not mine." he sincerely said.

I get him though, but that does not mean that I will accept it. Yes I am the one who did hit him but you can't blame me, I just jealous and I did not control it that I punch him. Well, this makes a sense also that he better not mess with me again.

After all, this started because of him. H is the one who make a mistake and that's for not telling me about his past ex-girlfriend who happen to be my the one today in the present and will be in the future.

" I can't say that I can forgive you now, because I know that you know what is the feeling of being betrayed right. So for now, let's just stay like this or better yet you keep distance as much as possible. I am not telling you this because I am jealous or what so ever, I am telling this to you so that when the wounds well I can easily forgive and start a new." I frankly said to him.

His eyes seem to disagree at first but when it roomed around and stop unto the bed where Zyrene is, it went on being understanding. He nodded like Zyrene is that matters now in his every decisions.

We talked a little no, argue a little and he goes of after a while. He just said that I should take care of Zyrene and never let her go, as if I won't take care of my belove and I will let go. His words seems like he is saying something in a double meaning, but no i won't let it happen no matter what will happen. Even if fighting my one bestfriend at last will come up and it broke. I will sacrifice our memories and our friendship just for this love.

He is always been their for me when I need him the most. So I feel betrayed because that is the first time that he doesn't informed me. Partly, I have mistakes too because I did not asked him in the first place. This is not the first time that we love the same woman. But this time I won't be the one to sacrifice my heart and give it to him. Not this time, not in this kind of case that I fell hard to the girl I am with right now.

Being a friend of him, it also hurts me. It hurts me because I know that I am the cause of his pain again. But what can I do, he is the past already and that means that he won't become the present anymore because that is my role.

I went to where Zyrene is and hold her hand tightly. And there I let my tears fall again, the tears of being brave enough to fight for her. I cried because I can't do something to make my friendship with Nathan come back to what it is. It hurts me so much because I can't forgive him immediately just like what I always do back then.

I can't bring back our good friendship anymore because I think it is over now. I feel like there is a huge pang inside my heart that makes me hard to breath. I can't tell him that it is okay because I don't know what makes me scared of something.

Maybe God makes this circumstances, for us to know how and if our friendship will last. I can't help it not to wish that if I could just turn back time I will probably do the right thing.

I hugged Zyrene gently careful not to hurt her.

" Angel please wake up already so that we can create and forgive each other to have a better future. Please I beg you wake up now my love." I kissed her while saying and whispering those words.

I suddenly feel something, and that is her finger lifting a little. After awhile, she slowly open her eyes. I immediately hit the button of alarm to informed the doctors that she is awake. I am so happy right now and so is she. She smiled at me as if telling me that everything is alright now.

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