Chapter 8

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Listen my heart beat


The scene in my kitchen is really our unforgettable moment together. We share our laughter together while eating our breakfast. We talked a lot of thing, planned out about the upcoming future which is funny though. We made a promise, a promise that should not be broken in the end because it will hurt us big time.

After our breakfast, we drive off to his company. Along the road is a hapoy momment of us also. We laugh and laugh everytime when glimps each other secretly. He will pinched my nose and I will give him slight slap in the arm. But in the end, we end up kissing its others cheeks, not on the lips cause I know that it would be not just a simple kiss we will shared.


When we arrive, he immediately park the car and opened the door for me showing gentelness. "Let's use the elevator in the basement angel to avoid those people I don't want you to get hurt" he softly said to me. But I refuse to agree, I wanted show them that I am not affected of what happen in the past three months. I wanted then know that I am not guilty to what I did because in the first place its not me who made a big scene in there but them.

I hold his hands tightly when are already in the lobby. All of the employees are busy but when they saw us coming, everyone stop and looked us like we are doing something that is unpleasant. They looked at me like they are disgusted and they are throwing me glares. If that glares can kill, I am surely dead by now.

This time, I let go of Ekezeil's hand but he just hold it tightly. He whisper something but I could not hear it anymore because I am more focus to these people in front of me and to my heart also. I could fell the pain it really hurts when everyone judge you based on what they just saw and do not know the real story.

But even though I ignore he is still beside and don't go somewhere. He hugged me this as if he doesn't saw everyone who is now shocked on what he did. They are all shocked and even eyes widen as if they could not believe it. They shake their head as if they are hallucinating and they are in a dream.

I am shocked when Ezekeil turns me to face him and kiss my lips  in front of his employees. I heard graps and mumurs but it seems like he does not care about them all. After the kiss lasted, he looked at me like he know what will and happen next and he nod at me understandly.

He hugged me while he saying this words." This woman whom you gossips with, is my girlfriend. And who ever planned on letting her down will first pass through over me. And who ever in here will take her away from and planning something, I swear that you won't see sunlight again." He said that makes me overwhelm. It made me cry in to much happiness and he just tap my shoulder slowly.

" Now get back to work and mind your business. Or you choose, you will stay and get fired or you will stay silent get your out of the way?" he added and asked his employees. Everyone get silent, when I remove my head in his chest. Everyone bowed their head when I romed my eyes around and they make way for us to go to the elevator whom will take us to his office.

When we are already in the top floor which is his office and sit the coach, he hugged me tightly and kiss my hair gently. "Cry angel, I know you wanted that. Don't hide it please, you that I am always right beside from now on show it to me angel" he softly said to me. And with that I burst out into tears, I cried because I am hurt and I can't bear the pain inside anymore. He just hug me, comfort me all he can that made it ease the pain inside. He understand me so much that is why I am so bless to have him.

" I am too tired baby, too tired to say words and too tired to argue with them. I can't help it sorry, I can't bear the pain inside. It is eating me, thank you for what you've done earlier I appreciate it. Thank you for fighting back and for not letting go my hand. Thanks for cleaning my name and letting them know who I am in your life. Having is a gift and I am so bless to have you baby" i thoughtfully said to him with tears in my eyes and smile on my lips. He smile and nod then kiss my forehead.

" That is what lovers do angel, I can't  let them do what they want to you. I am here always beside you, always remember that and even if they are not the enemy in here I will still fight for our love. That is a promise angel and I sealed to love you forever and will not give you to anyone who wants to take you away from me. I will not let them touch you because what is mine is mine. You are mine and no one will have you unless I am dead and cannot fight back anymore. I love you so much angel don't ever leave me okay?". I just nod and stare him lovingly. I really love this guy that I am afraid to lost him.

Our moments is been pause when his phone is ringing loudly and I laugh because he frown. "Damn it, who the hell is this?" he frustatedly asked that makes me chuckle but he just jokingly stared at me. " What the hell Nathan! you just interrupted something in here. What the heck! Damn it you just call to invite me to do shits?" he shouted the person he is talking in the phone. " Okay, you won dimwit and I will go okay I will bring my girl tonight. Gonna hanged up bye" he bid goodbye to the person and then throw his phone in the table.

" Hey angel would you mind to come with me tonight? We will just have dinner with my friend Nathan." He asked me kindly. And because I am curious about his friend I nod. " Okay I will pick you up later." I am so curious right now. I don't know if the Nathan I know is the same person whom he is talking with. I am nervous to what will happen tonight. Even though I don't have any idea who the heck is that Nathan guy I don't know why the heck I am afraid at this moment.

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