|Tenth Teeth|

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"Unholy soldier, disciple of Void, what kind of mind are you living in?"

They tumbled on the ground. Hands and feet pushing each other to get the upper hand. Percy succeed in landing four punches on its 'nose' until it finally fought back seriously.

"You ungrateful prat!"

The shadow scolded him. It released his own hand and slammed Percy's head to the ground, toppling him.

"Gagh!" Percy felt his cheekbones cracked. His face colidid with the splintered wood flooring, blood rushing to his nose. He can't respond when two powerful hands grabs the side of his face and knock his head face down to the ground.

"Damn you!" Percy cursed as it repeated its actions. His nose was the first to break because of the force then his forehead started bleading and his curses were drowned out by the constant pain flaring up his face. Blood gushing to escape the open wound, Percy was unable to keep his mind straight.

It kept doing that, not breaking from the momentum it've made in the beginning. Repeatedly pushing Percy's bare face againts the ground laughing wildly from the splinters that was extracted from the wood flooring.

For what seems to be a fragment of eternity, it gave a stop. Pulled harshly on his hair, forcing his throbbing, bleading, gashly face to look at two white holes in it's head.

"Look at you now, Perseus."

t yanked his head closer, two white holes of 'eyes' laying daggers on his face. A soft rumble, traveled from it's chest.
"Aren't you ugly now, boy?"

The weak temperement voice was replaced by a headstrong growl. It drips of hatred and uncontrollable madness. The 'eyes' of its turned slinted and narrowed. It's actions were brash and violent contrasting with the previous meeting.

Percy observed it with two bruised eyes and chapped tounge. His face hurts, more than he ever thinks his face could be, so he minimalize his movements. Slowly focusing his eyes on the two gaping white holes in it's face, faintly softer gray 'mouth' that hasn't been 'opened' whenever it speaks verbally.

Percy categorize it as an orthodox creature that he'll never wish to meet again, given the chance. It was just to bizzare. Too straight out of the quirkiest quirks. He never though something like this could mess up his life so badly.

Perhaps Percy's entrancement amused him, it huffed, tounge curling, 


t barged his head closer. The mouth, or the lower portion of it's head, spread.

Percy finally sees that inside its 'mouth' was another white burst of light, curtained by sharp triangular rows of 'teeth'. Looking at that, Percy snorted lowly and understood that he'll never get used to that 'face' ever again.

"What is it?"

It repeated on edge. Now, it's tone was underlaced by curiosity. One of Its 'eyebrows', a grayish stroke on top of its eyes, raised.

Percy own up to that.
His half lidded eyes and broken jaws tried to articulate the words from his lips. He, with the stength of his body leaving him, cannot spoke the words he aimed to say. Moving his lips, the words can only be heard by deaf ears.

On the other side, it lay waiting. Shuffling and discontent, Percy could practicly feel it's murderous aura emerging from inside it.. As if it's feathers were ruffled, it growled at him.

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