Chapter 4: The Rescue!

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Eventually, Molly stopped crying and we showed up at the place where Brer Rabbit was being held hostage in, I was curious and asked what place it was, Molly then explained to me that it was Chick~A~Pin Hill, she warned me about how dangerous it could be in there due to any weapons that Brer Fox could have, I understood the warnings and when I was about to run up to the cave, Molly told me that she had a plan and that she would catch up with me in just a second, I said, "Okay!", And then I started my hike to the cave! Meanwhile, Brer Rabbit thought of a trick to click for quite a while, but just as he started to give up, I literally barged in filled with rage! "LET HIM GO YOU SON OF A GUN!", I screamed in anger, Brer Fox turned his head sharply at me and walked up to me with an axe in his hand, I slowly backed away due to how sharp the axe looked! "What's wrong Miss. Feisty, too scared of an ol' fox like me?", He laughed, I reacted right away and stepped on his foot hardly, the Fox literally screamed at the top of his lungs and acted like a baby by jumping up and down and holding his foot, "Pfft! What a baby!", I said in response. Molly then came in with a present, I was confused and even raised an eyebrow, "What's the present for?", I whispered, "I'll explain everything in a bit, Just go untie Brer Rabbit!", She responded, I nodded and did what I was told, I untied Brer Rabbit and man was he happy to see me and Molly coming to save him! "You came just when I started to run outta ideas!", Brer Rabbit said in relief, I smiled at him. Molly then whispered to me and Brer Rabbit to go outside and hide behind a tree, she'd go on to take care of the rest, so we both went outside and hid behind a tree nearby. After about five minutes, Molly ran outside quickly and joined us in hiding, "What was in that present?", I asked in curiosity, "You'll see in just a second!", Molly responded, so then we waited until we heard screaming and buzzing coming from inside the cave! Eventually, Brer Fox And Brer Bear both came out getting stung to pieces by bees! Brer Rabbit was laughing so hard when he saw this moment he collapsed on the ground laughing! Meanwhile, my eyes widened, "So THAT'S what was in that present?!" I asked, "Why, Yes! It was a beehive!", She answered as she giggled. It all made sense now! I didn't know how Molly managed to not get stung but I shrugged and joined in on them laughing, We then went back to the Briar Patch a short time later.

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