7. Unknown calls.

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"A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her."



Karuna Pov

There are 20 missed calls and all of them are from 20 different unknown numbers.

I agree, being one of the most popular accountancy faculty in the town, I often get many missed calls but they were probably from the same number unlike today, 20 missed calls from 20 different unknown numbers.

I was trying to process and to derive the genuine cause behind these strange incidence when suddenly my phone started ringing again and once again, the call is from a new unknown number.

"Hello", I said.

"Hello! What is your charges?", A man from the other side enquired.

I think he wants to join my coaching center or may be he is asking for his child that's why he wants to know my fees but all my batches are already packed.

"You are late Mr. all my schedules are already packed. I suggest, better you try somewhere else."

"What! I will pay you double or triple or whatever amount you want but please don't deny me.", He begged and I was taken aback momentarily.

I already knew that I am popular in town but still no one has ever tried to bribe me by offering extra sum of money.

"Sorry, but this year it's not possible.", I replied.

"What! You are busy for whole one year.", He exclaimed in shock.

I think, he's not aware of my coaching centre policies. I don't provide crash courses. I teach only one batch throughout the year.

There are many coaching centers available in the market who complete the whole year academic courses within few months and again start a new batch for the same course.

There main motive is only to make money but my main motive is the result of my students.

"Yes, as I already said, you are late. There are limited seats in my center and all of them had already been filled.", I said.

"May I know your per day capacity?", He enquired.

My per day capacity? If I calculate my capacity based on duration then it will be in total eight hours, six hours in school and two hours in my coaching center. But if I calculate my capacity based on students then it's three hundred, one hundred and sixty students in school and one hundred and forty students in my coaching center.

"As per duration my per day capacity is eight hours and per day I handle three hundred s...", He didn't let me complete my sentence and said,

"Oh my God! You f**k three hundred people every day and that to in just eight hours only.", He stated in shock.

"Execuse me Mr. I know you are upset because you didn't get enrollment in my coaching center but that doesn't mean that you got the right to use such bad terms for my job.", I said being offended.

"Coaching center?", He asked in doubt.

Doubt! Why does he sounds doubtful?

Oh God! If whatever I am thinking is correct? Then I am going to get into a very big trouble.

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