Chapter 50 ( Drama queen)

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Keep your distance from people who will never admit they are wrong and always try to make you feel like it's all your fault.


Raj Pov

Making as minimum as possible noise, I entered my house, it's now 4:30 AM in the morning and at this time everyone might be sleeping, successfully I reached inside my room and breathe in relief,

"Thank God no one saw me coming inside the house",

I took out my cellphone from my pocket to plug it in the charger, the screen shows, you have 20 missed calls, I unlocked the mobile, to check whose missed calls are these, there were 5 missed calls of Riya and the rest was my mom's,

Oh no, now I am dead, last night, before entering Una's house, I had turned my phone on silent mode because I didn't want anyone to know about my secret arrival at Una's house,

I checked the timings of her calls, her last missed call was at 11:53 PM, so it means after that she went to sleep, good this information will help me later,

I changed my clothes and lied down on my bed,


Riya Pov

I woke up early today, because today we are going for shopping, yeah I am so excited and sad also,

Today, both Karuna Bhabhi and Kareena Di will not be going with us, Karuna Bhabhi is not coming because she needs to rest and Kareena Di is not coming because Rahul is injured and she can't leave him alone,

I went towards my bathroom and finished my morning chorus as soon as possible and after getting ready I went downstairs,

I saw both my mom and dad talking with each other and laughing, they were looking so adorable together, I wish me and Karan will also be like them when we both get old,

"Hey, good morning love birds", I greeted them,

"We are nothing as compared to your brother", said Dad and I looked at him confusedly,

"You won't believe what he did", said mom while increasing my confusion,

"Mom..Dad, Don't confuse me, come to the point", I said curiously,

Then they informed me everything and I am shocked,

"He literally climbed all the way up to Bhabhi's balcony?", I asked shockingly,

Both mom and dad nodded their head,

They told me that Bhai is still unaware that we all know his secret, and my mischievous mind came up with an amazing Idea,

"Mom don't you think Bhai deserves a punishment for making you feel worried?", I asked her while smiling cunningly,

"No Riya you are not doing anything", said Mom strictly,

"Please mom please", I begged while joining both my palms together,

"Okay but..", "Thank you mom", I didn't let her finish,

"You are the best", I said while kissing her cheek and then ran towards Bhai's room,

There is only few days left, when I can irritate my brother, because after three days he will get married and Infront of Bhabhi I will not be able to irritate him the way I do now, then I will also get married to Karan, so I am not going to leave any single chance to irritate him,

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