26. Good news

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We do not need magic
to change the world,
we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already:
we have the power to imagine better.


Raj Pov

After few minutes of driving we finally reached Una's house. All four of us get out of the car and went towards the main gate.

I wish Una is also there but this can't be possible because I myself have dropped her at school.

I pressed the bell once and waited for someone to opened the gate.

After few seconds of waiting someone did opened the gate but after watching that person's face we all became shocked. No it's not Una it's Rani. What's she doing here?

"Rani! What are you doing here?", I enquired shockingly.

"Hi handsome!", Rani said happily.

There is definitely something wrong with this girl. I don't know why she is so obsessed with me? I just hope she didn't trouble Una's family because of me.

"What are you doing here you silly girl? Didn't you get satisfied by what you did earlier that you came back to trouble us again.", Mom said angrily.

After listening my mom's cruel words Rani became sad. I wonder Why she is getting affected by whatever Mom said?

Rani moved aside to let us get inside now her eyes were filled with tears.

I didn't understand, Why she is behaving so differently today? If Mom had said something like this that day when we met her at the police station then I guaranteed she must have insulted my mom by now. But today she didn't even utter a single word infact she is crying.

"Who is it Kareena?", I heard Una's mother's voice.

Kareena? Who is Kareena? I guess she wanted to say Karuna but by mistake she pronounced it Kareena.

"It's Raj and his family.", Rani answered her query.

Why she is responding to her? There is definitely something going on which I don't know.

After Rani's response Una's parents came to fetch us.

"Welcome welcome we were waiting for you all.", Said Una's father.

"Mr singhania What is she doing at your place? and How can you let her get inside? After knowing what she did to our children.", My Dad enquired seriously.

"Yes dad even I also want to know the same thing.", I supported my father.

"I will explain everything but first of all please come inside and settled down.", Una's father requested.

We all went inside and sat down on the couch. Dad sat in the middle while mom sat on his left side and I on his right while Riya went into the kitchen to help Una's mother.

After few seconds Una's mother and Riya came back with water and started serving us.

Mom became emotional after watching Riya fulfilling her duties so well as daughter in law.

"I believe now my daughter is no more a child time flies so fast.", Mom said teasingly while appreciating Riya.

Riya blushed after hearing her and shyly rushed towards the kitchen.

I agree with mom because she never did something like this before. Whenever I wanted her to bring something for me then I literally have to request and beg her alot but today..

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