24. Mr Angry Raj

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Difficult doesn't means
It only means that you have to
work hard.


Karuna Pov

Raj pulled me with him and stopped Infront of his car. He opened the passenger side gate and gestured me to get inside.

Instead of getting inside I closed the door and said,

"Sorry, I can't come with you. I have to go to school."

I thought he will get upset after listening to me but he smiled and while pinching my nose he said,

"That's where we are going wifey."

I looked at him confusedly. What does he mean by that?

"From today I will drop you at school and after dismissal I will also come to pick you up.", He said while clearing my confusion.

"No Raj there is no need to do that. I can go by bus.", I tried to convince him.

"Why? You don't like my company?", He asked while pouting sadly.

"No Raj, It's my job. I just don't want to trouble you.", I said.

I thought Raj will found my reason valid but after hearing my reason he became shocked and frowned.

"You are not trouble for me Karuna never ever call yourself a trouble.", He said angrily.

I think I really made him angry because instead of calling me wifey or Una he called me Karuna.

"Sorry Raj, but..", He didn't let me finish my sentence and said,

"No buts, end of discussion now get inside.", He announced while opening the passenger side door.

This time I obey him and hopped inside the car.

Shit! He came early in the morning specially for me and I made him upset. Great! Now how I will enlighten his mood?

The entire car ride is full of tension and silence neither me nor Raj said anything. Throughout the journey I kept on thinking how to change his mood?

He parked the car Infront of the school and unlocked the gate using driver's control system without even looking at me which means he is really upset or angry.

Watching him behaving so cold with me is killing me from inside. I can't bear this angry Raj I want my jolly hubby back. But how?

'Think Karuna think.', I said to myself.

My devil mind came up with an idea. I hope it works fingers crossed.🤞Oh God please help me.

When he realised that I am not getting down. He went out of the car, came towards my side and opened the door gesturing me to come out.

I sadly came out of the car and looked at him but he ignored me and turned towards the main gate of the school and folded his arms Infront of his chest.

Akdu! (Fastidious) I curled up my lips irritatedly 😏 Just wait and watch Mr angry Raj how I am going to change your annoying mood. Hehe.

I went closer to him lifted myself up by my toes and grabbed his shirt's collar for support. I instantly pecked on his right cheek.

His facial expression turned from annoyed to shocked. Because of his sudden change in expression I got to know that finally I succeeded. Yeah!

To enlighten him little bit more once again I repeated my actions by kissing him once again on the same spot and without giving him any chance to react I rushed towards the school.

When I reached the main gate I turned around to have a look on him. He is now blushing and caressing his cheek where I just kissed him twice.

I smiled shyly and went inside the school. Few students were roaming here and there. I moved towards the staff room and kept my stuff on my desk then I took out my cellphone to put it on silent mode.

As I was going to keep my mobile back into my purse it vibrated. I checked the reason of vibration.

There is a text message from Raj which says,

'If I am going to receive such an awesome bribe after getting upset with you then from now on I am going to get upset more often my dear wifey.' 😘

I blushed after reading his message and replied back,

'ha ha ha.... Very smart control your emotions my dear hubby.' 🙃

After replying him I kept my phone inside and moved to attend the morning assembly.

After assembly I went to take my first class but in the middle of the class one pyun came and informed that principal sir is calling me.

I went to principal's office and said,

"Sir, May I come in?"

"Yes, come in Miss Karuna."

I don't know the reason why did he called me in the middle of the class? I think whatever the reason is it's not good because this principal is very strict and will never call a teacher during class hours.

"I thought you as a very responsible teacher Miss Karuna I never expected such behaviour from your side.", He said strictly.

I didn't understand what does he mean what have I done?

"Sorry sir I didn't understand why you putting such alligations on me?", I asked him confusedly.

"I am feeling very shameful while saying this. I can't believe how can you do that.", He said.

What have I done? As far I know I didn't do anything. Why he is behaving like I committed something very shameful?

"Today when I was coming to school I saw you kissing a man and that to Infront of the school. How can you behave so unprofessional Miss Karuna? You can have many relationships and can do whatever you want but you are a teacher you should be careful of your actions and the environment. I won't tolerate such behaviour around my school premises done by any of my school teacher.", He said angrily.

Oh my God! He saw me kissing Raj. Shit! Now I am dead.

"Sorry sir but you are getting me wrong. He is my fiancé and soon we are going to get married.", I tried to defend myself.

Principal became shocked after listening to me and said hesitantly and politely,

"Oh! I knew it Miss Karuna you can't do such cheap things you are one of my best teacher. By the way you are not deciding to leave this job after marriage. Right?", He asked me hesitantly.

I became stunned. I can't believe the way he changed his behaviour even a chameleon take some time to change its colour but him he only wants his work to be done.

"No sir but yeah I will need few leaves because of my wedding rituals.", I said.

"Oh yes yes Miss. You can take as much leave as you want. Permission granted.", He said while smiling cheerfully as if he won some jackpot.

I smiled forcedfully and asked,

"Now Can I go back to my class?"

"Yes yes you can definitely go.", He said.

I went back to take my remaining classes.

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