Chapter 2: First day of school

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******Mayumi's POV******

*thinks: Huh? First day of school tomorrow and i'm still here using my laptop and it's already 10:46 pm. I wonder why none of them are telling me to sleep?*

Mayuli: Hey May, it's already 10:46 and you're not asleep yet? Go to bed now!!

And here she is. Mayuli Shibatsu, twin sister of Hikaru Shibatsu. 17 years old and quite bossy. She is mostly the one between the two of them who tells me to sleep since mom and dad are in another country.

Mayumi: I don't want to yet. And bro isn't even here to agree to that
Mayuli: Ughh!!! Well he should
Hikaru: What's all the racket down here?

And here is my older brother. Hikaru Shibatsu, the twin bro of my older sis. 17 years old and 10 seconds earlier than Mayuli. Which means he is the head of the house. Even though sis bosses me around.

Mayuli: Hey Jace (She calls him Jace), Mayumi here dosen't want to sleep yet and it's already 10:50
Hikaru: Aww come on. Give her a chance to play before school. Let her sleep later at 11:20
Mayuli: Ughh! Fine. Your lucky that he agreed
Mayumi: *sticks tounge out and says bleee*

After they left I continued using my laptop and used the internet to search more about the students while listening to a show I like. After searching about Madriel Academy, I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 11:20 and I closed my laptop then went to bed.

###The next day###

Ughh!!! Too lazy to get up.

????: Hey wake up sleepy head. Time for school!!
Mayumi: Ughh give me 5 more minutes
????: No silly. Just wake up already. I made pancakes with chocolate syrup

I opened my eyes to see who it was. It was my older bro. And for everyones information I love pancakes.

Mayumi: Ok sure!! I'll be there in a sec after I bath
Hikaru: *smiles at me*

He is the best big bro ever! He always takes care of me properly and makes me smile every morning. If he wasn't my bro, I would totally like him. But since he is, might as well just like him secretly.

After gettine out of my bed, I took a bath, changed my clothes and went to eat my delicious pancakes.

Mayuli: Hi May! Hows your morning?

Huh? She isn't usually this happy every morning?

Mayumi: Fine? Hey sis, why so happy?
Mayuli: Isn't it obvious? It's the first day of class and we are at a special school for people who can use magic.

As expected from her. She loves school. In fact she's even a flower, so is bro.

After eating we walked to school. Since we live nearby. We could also use magic to teleport, but we don't usually want to use magic very early in the morning.

###At School###

I'm just here walking around and I see everybody murmuring or even whispering about me being a leaf. I know it's rare to see a leaf but why are they so shocked. And why are they-

Mayumi: Ughh!!
????: Sorry we didn't see you there
Mayumi: Oh no it's fine

I looked up and saw a girl who was a flower and a boy who was a weed. Quite wierd seeing a flower and a weed together. But foe some reason the guy looked quite attractive.

Ayami: Hi! I'm Ayami Kuri. And this is Karu Hitabi
Mayumi: Oh hi Ayami and Karu! I'm Mayumi Shibatsu
Ayami: The younger sister of Mayuli and Hikaru Shibatsu?
Mayumi: Yeah
Ayami: Awesome!!!!
Karu: I suppose your wondering why a flower and a weed are together huh?

Did he just enter my mind?

Mayumi: Actually yeah
Ayami: Well we both are childhood friends
Karu: Oh and I see we have a leaf here Aya
Ayami: Oh so your the new leaf. Nice to know you could maintain a power level of 1,900. Have you learned your scond skill already?
Mayumi: Huh second skill? Is that why everybody was whispering and looking at me?
Karu: Yeah every leaf can use a secret second skill when they reach the eage of 16

Well i'm still 15. Really hoping to know what my second skill is though.

Mayumi: Oh....I haven't leaened my second skill yet. In fact i'm still 15. Turning 16 this November, 21
Both: Ohh!!
Aya: Well Mayumi, wanna be friends? We can show you around? And we are in the same grade?
Mayumi: Sure!!!

Yes!! New friends to be with. But I sure do miss Maria and Tsukumi. They were cool too.

While we were roaming around the sxhool since our class still started at 8:10, I was staring at Karu the whole time without realising it.

Aya: Hey, hello? Mayumi you there?
Karu: Your not falling for me are you?
Aya: Beware. He is the schools heartthrob
Mayumi: Huh? No not at all. Why would you-

I actually realised I was also blushing. First time I did that. And he evn touched my head which let me stop what I was about to say.

Karu: Haha!! I was just kidding. But you do look cute. Come on lets continue

He called me cute!?!!!! Ayeeeee!!!

Aya: Hey your blushing. You don't like him do you?
Mayumi: Huh no!!!!
Aya: Ohh!! Rejection means yes. You do like him. Don't worry I won't tell. Ok maybe someday I eventually will.

Seriously?? I was blushing and she could see it? Oh I just hope she won't tell him. It would be so wierd.

Karu: Come on lets go!!

He smiled after saying that. He looked so cute. Then we all continued our tour. After touring around, we went straight to class.

***To Be Continued***

   Hope you guys liked the first chapter!!

The flower at Madriel AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now