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Imagine you being in pain after a rough hunt and complaining to Dean.

You rolled over in your bed with a groan of pain. Today was going to be a just great. Your entire body hurt but mostly your head.

You dragged yourself to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. You intended to chug the while thing but before the bottle came in contact with your lips there was a voice that so rudely interrupted you.

"It's fucking five o'clock in the morning" you turned your head to see bed-headed Dean.

"And? Your one to talk" you grabbed another bottle and slid it across it counter to Dean.

He shrugged and took a large sip before slamming it back down on the counter. You smirked and took a swig of yours too.

"You know that's a really nice top" Dean said looking down at your chest.

You glanced down and realized you were wearing no bra with a short black t-shirt. You rolled your eyes and gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Ya well I couldn't give two shits right now"

"Whys that?" He said taking another sip of his drink.

"My entire body is in pain" you said in a whiny voice.

"No kidding. You legit fell through a floor and landed on a pile of scrap."

It made your body ache thinking about standing in the middle of the floor one moment and being stabbed by like fifty wood shards the next.

"Don't remind me" You took another swig of whiskey, "You ever fell through a floor"

"Maybe once or twice" Dean shrugged.

"Damn okay then." You went to take a drink and realized you had drank it all.

"You know all hunters go through alot of shit, and for what really."

"To save humanity" you said in a deep, superhero impression like voice.

"Ya right" Dean said and you both had a small laugh.

"I swear if you two are having sex and drinking at 5 o'clock in the morning again..." Sam started as he came stomping down the stairs, "oh just drinking then."

"Well if you hadn't so rudely interrupted us then maybe we would have got to part two" You joked.

"I mean we could go back to my room..." Dean said leaning over the counter towards you.

"I hate you both!" Sam said storming out of the room.

You and Dean both had a laughed and finished off your drink.

Let me now what y'all want.
Or maybe something else.

Supernatural Imagines For Y'all (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now