Endless Dream Time

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OK so i owe you guys like 7 chapters? Can someone tell me how many weekly updates I missed. If no-one does ill just update 7 chapters today. Thanks for being patient guys and THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for almost 2500Reads im shocked.

Nagisas POV

I can't believe it, I'm about to sleep, and these dreams won't stop, it seems like they are getting worse and worse. Maybe it will stop, I'll be fine. I think. "Night Kayano" I said, giving her a kiss on her cheek, I sighed gentely, she questioned me, but I just said I was tired. I hope that was it. I tossed and turned for ages, until finally, I fell asleep. Suddenly, everything came back, I could see and feel again. Evereything was happenin- "NAGISA, ARE YOU SLEEPING AGAIN???" I heard Koro-Sensei say. "No sir, I was just..." I replied quietly. I raised my hand, finally he saw and I could ask my question. I was about to say "whats the date" but realised it would be to suspisios. I instead went with, "how many days left until we have to assasinate you?" "Oh Nagisa, what plan do you have this time?, still 78 days nururuurrurururu!" What do I even do, I know this is a dream, maybe I can control it! "Wow, you know what would be funny Kayano?" I said in a joking manner, "What?" she said with a confused look on her face. I whispered in her ear "If I kissed you" Her face went red, damn my dreams are so accurate. Welp, no consequences. I grabbed her in a tight hug, "Kayano I lov-" I started to say, but before I could finish, everything stopped. It seemed the world was lagging. I shut my eyes, everything went black...

Kayanos POV

Nagisa, WAKE UP! OMG I swear to god, don't do this to me Nagisa, I don't want it to end here. OMG WHAT AM I MEANT TO DO, NAGISA WONT WAKE UP, HE'S SO HOT, I MEAN BOTH WAYS, AND HE KEEPS ON MUTTERING HELP ME! WTF WTF WTF .  I  should get help. No, no I don't need it, it's probably not that serios anyways... he might just be having a nightmare. I shouldn't over react, I'll wait and see, everything will be fine, Nagisa will wake up and hug me and kiss me and make me feel all better, for now I can just sit and hope for him. "Nagisa please be ok" I muttered under my breath. Nagisa is the only thing I love, Nagisa is the best thing I have in my life, Nagisa is my world, I dont know what I would do without him... 

Authors Note

HEY GUYS! I missed yall. Sorry for not updating in forever, also soz if this chapter is bad, I haven't written in a while... DONT WORRY GUYS I WILL NEVER QUIT. I might take HUGE breaks sometimes lol, but I will try to never quit. ALSO you guys dont know how thankful I am for the support! You guys are beyond imagination!!! ALSO 2.4K READS? WTF HOW?!?!!?!!??!?!?!?! Well I thank you guys for your support, and also, tell me ur ideas, or what u want to see, and ill try to get it done, also how big should chapters be. I  am gonna TRY to get back into weekly updates, and hopefully I can update multiple times in a week, its just SO MUCH HOMEWORK AND EXAMS!!!! and procratination master, well ur lookin at him, oh wait no, ur reading his fanfic, (better?) (no  its not, im sorry im sorry for bad jokes lmao) and as always, thats just a- wait wrong show, and as  always THANKS FOR READING! *insert sly lookin emoji face thingo* 

PS soz for long authors note xD

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