Double Fun Time

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Nagisas POV

Kayano was looking amazing as always and I went to her to tell her "You look beautiful Kayano, remember, you will always be my princess" I knew that it was kind of cringy but I said it anyways because I knew Kayano likes it when I'm like that to her. "Nagisa, you're to sweet, I love you so m-" She replied, until Karma interupted us with a "Are you guys gonna stay here forever, or leave?" So, I grabbed Kayanos hand and took her gracefully and gentely to our main car. I opened the door for and gentely gestured to inside the car, saying "ladies first" Karma still being able to hear us while he was at the door and yelled "so you go in first Nagisa" and he chuckled and went inside. I blushed but Kayano whispered in my ear, "don't worry about him" and she kissed my cheek making me blush even more. Then she got in the car, and I walked to the other side of the car and entered. She did ask me to drive because it had only been a little bit of time since the baby was born and she was feeling a bit off still. Kayano stared at me and smiled, "where do you want to go?" she asked in the most loving special voice I have ever heard. I replied telling her I didn't know and where should we go and small things like that. She took my phone and put on a GPS route to a McDonalds. I asked confused "seriously, you want, McDonalds? all she could reply was "It's been a while since I have had junk food and I thought we could get some and drive home and have it because, Karma and Koro together is probably a bad idea..." I could only say "that makes sence Kayano, you're so smart" and she giggled a bit and I kissed her, on her wonderful red perfect lips. She didn't try to stop me, instead she let me do all the work and she relaxed. "Kayano, there's no one better than you, you're perfect, for me" I told her. We broke the kiss and she went to hug me.

Karmas POV

I'm actually doing this, wow, well Koro can't move so it shouldn't be to hard, in fact I should make a list of what he can and cant do! 

Karmas List of things Koro can and can't do.


1) Koro can make noise

2) Koro can move his hands and legs slightly

3) Koro can push things very light

4) Koro can cry loudly

5) Koro can breathe


1) Koro can't feed / hydrate himself

2) Koro can't move fully / crawl or walk

3) Koro can't speak

4) Koro can't-

What is this, I don't need a list to do this I can do this myself. "Hey, Koro" I said calmly, he started to stare at me. "What do you want?" I asked kindly. "evbjwowuhui" he replied. I realised I could just put him to sleep and play games... So thats what I did, I put on baby songs and played them. He was screaming "erhwrwruihiuhfwiurwh" but eventually he calmed down and got quieter and calmer until... he was asleep. I slowly backed out of the room making no noise and shutting the light on my way out. I went to the TV and put on Nagisa and I's favourite game and shut the volume. After a few rounds I realised I should tell everyone else about the baby. I went to Koros room and took a selfie with him and posted it on our 3E group chat. my captions were new baby. I realised after Tarasuka said, Karma got a girl pregnant what they thought had happened because I misworded it, so I quickly told them it's it Nagisa and Kayanos, but then they started asking too many questions!

Kayanos POV

"Nagisa, thanks for the food" I told him. He replied nervously, "anything you want!" and started blushing like he was talking to his cr- oh, I was his crush, and we were married. I think that I'm still a bit different after the baby, I thought I should take it easy for a while and just watch TV for a week or so

~Time Skip To Arriving Home

DING DONG! the doorbell rung, in fact Nagisa and I rung it, Karma ran to the door and opened it. "welcome back lovebirds, did ya bring me some food" the great Karma jokingly said. Nagisa told him "We brought McDonalds, hows Koro?" Karma said "don't worry he is asleep!" Then we came inside set the food down on the table and started eating!

So guys thats the end sorry that I couldn't quite make it to 1000 words ill try next time i have something like this, and like always thankyou for reading and if you vote this its highly appreciated

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