Of Depression

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Fuck you.

Let me elaborate.
You do nothing but take
You take away my friends
You take away my joy
You take away everything.

Fuck you

Because you've gotten everyone convinced
That you aren't that bad
That it's normal to feel this way
That you'll go away if we just set our minds to it

Fuck you

Because you're so much harder to fight than that
Because people I care about almost die
Because you make them feel less than
Because you won't go away.

Fuck you

For making us feel delusional
For making us underestimate ourselves so much
For making us feel ashamed
For having to work through you.

Fuck you

Because I'm barely strong enough now to fight for my life.
Because I'm barely strong enough to fight for the lives of those I care about
Because I'm barely strong enough to keep living
Because I'm barely strong enough to be there for people.

Fuck you

That there are days I can barely get up and deal with life
That there are days where I fake everything.
That there are days my friends do the same too.
That there are days where we wonder if we're telling the truth.

Fuck you.

I'll push through.
I'll help others through you.
I'll do everything I can to not let you come over me again
I'll do whatever it takes.

Fuck you.

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