01 • homecoming

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{ if anyone is still reading this story, I'm sorry for the cringe fest }

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{ if anyone is still reading this story, I'm sorry for the cringe fest }

*3 Years Ago*

I almost fall from my bed hearing the shrill sound of my alarm clock going off. I groan and stuff my face into my pillow and try to get a few more minutes of sleep, while reaching to turn off the alarm.

Right when I'm about to doze off again into my dream world, my bedroom door burst open and hear a voice shout. "Wakey! Wakey!" Really? What am I? Four years old?.

"Go away and get your annoying ass out of my room and let me sleep peacefully for another 5 minutes." I say sleepily.

I hear silence for the next few moments, so I assume she really listened to my request. Huh? That's a first. My surprise is short lived when someone jumps and lands on my back. I groan in pain.

"No way! You are going to wake up right now or else I'm going to pour cold water all over you like last time." Courtney replies.

  I can practically see the smirk on her face, while she says this. Bitch. I think to myself.

My eyes widen when my brain registers her threat and I know she has no problem in carrying it out. 

I decide to wake up and escape her wrath by rolling over and I find myself lying on the edge of my bed. By my rolling over, Courtney fell off of my bed and landed on her ass with a loud thump and I burst out laughing.

"HA!" That's what she gets for being so annoying in the morning. I stop laughing and see her glare at me and I sober up quickly "Okay. Okay." I'm up. No need to go all cavewoman all over me...Sheesh!!" I say.
She huffs and replies. "You better".

I swung my legs over the bed and stand up and enter the bathroom to freshen up.

Looking at myself in the mirror that is attached to my bathroom wall just above the sink, I see a girl with a round face, big brown hazel eyes and long chestnut brown hair.

My eyes move down towards my lower half of my body and I release a sigh. I have always been a little curvier than the other she-wolves in the pack. Some may consider me a bit chubby even. It's as if my puberty is on a train that travels like 20 km per hour.

That fact alone makes me the subject to mockery of the jerks and bitches in the pack. This mockery happens only at times when I'm alone, because they know if the Gamma would come to know about the things they say to his daughter he'll not spare them.

My mind then wanders to a different topic. The topic of 'Mates' makes me think about my mate. Will he accept me or reject me? Well I hope he doesn't reject me.

Ever since I've learned about the concept of mates, I've been excited to meet mine.  I have had no luck so far.

  I've already turned eighteen and most of the young females like me have already found their mates. They usually find them when they're seventeen, which didn't give me much hope. There is also the fact that I've had no good experience with males in my previous pack.

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