00 • the beginning

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(Note: this is my first story on wattpad and I'm completely aware that this story isn't the most interesting one you're going to read and has plot holes and grammar mistakes. I wrote it when I was young and now looking back at it I cringe, just leaving here for a while.)

*ring ring*

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*ring ring*

Waking up to the sound of the annoying ringing of her phone, which was threatening to ruin her blissful sleep wasn't an ideal way to start a new day. Groaning in her sleep, she tries to reach for her phone and when she got a hold of it, she press the answer button blindly and she hears the person on the other side talking like a car that was travelling at 100km per hour.

Her sleep induced mind couldn't comprehend their rushed and excited words. She was tempted to just cut the call since she was already dozing off. Half conscious, it takes her a good few seconds to understand two things, that :-

1) The caller is her best friend of 4 years.

2) She is screaming.

She looks at the alarm clock, that she keeps on her nightstand, and her eyes widen incredulously when she see's what time it was.

"Jesus Christ woman! Why are you screaming? It is four freaking am in the morning." Serenity ask Courtney, her best friend, with disbelief lacing her tone.

They have known each other ever since we were fourteen. Courtney being the Beta's daughter and Serenity, being the adopted daughter of the Gamma's, their fathers were all close friends along with the Alpha's Family.

"I need you to come back" she answered.

"What? Why??" Serenity couldn't understand why Courtney would ask her such a thing after what happened. Courtney knew why Serenity left in the first place. She was the one who helped her to leave.

"Well, first, because I'm getting married and secondly, you're the maid of honor, sweetie. So of course I need you to come back and everyone here misses you so bad.

Honestly, it's been what? Like three years now? I think it's about time you come back home, I miss my best friend." She whispers the last part. Sadness laces her voice making Serenity feel guilty.

inhaling in a deep breath, Knowing that leaving the pack hurt not only herself, but Courtney and rest of her family. It would've hurt more, if she had stayed and watched her own downfall take place in front of her two eyes. She clear her throat, trying to push away the guilt and the sudden pang she felt forming in her chest away.

"I don't know Court, it's been too long and I don't think I can handle-" she's cut off by Courtney.

"You know damn well that you're one of the strongest she-wolf I've ever seen in my life Serenity. You could just ignore him and you can also bring Matthew with you." She could picture Courtney wiggling her perfectly arched eyebrows suggestively at her while speaking the last part.

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