02 • rejection

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* 3 years ago *

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* 3 years ago *

Everyone was rushing out of the pack house the moment they heard that their future Alpha has arrived. It was as if he was a celebrity.

I felt like I was part of a flock of sheep moving together. Since Courtney and I were among the last to step out of the pack house, we couldn't see properly.
By the murmuring of the pack members around us, it was clear that Damien had stepped out of the car and was now talking to the current Beta, which is Courtney's Dad.

We couldn't hear anything, as we stood too far away from them, but I could clearly tell Damien was tense. It wasn't like he was a social person. I had this nagging feeling inside me that something was going to happen today and not in a good way either.

My thoughts were cut-off by Courtney saying "What are we waiting for. Let's head to the front to get a good look. I bet he's has gotten even hotter seeing how these girls are screaming." I just nod my head and look around us.

Sure there are many girls, mainly teens pulling their skirts up or tugging their tops down so their cleavage was visible, I shake my head at their actions.

Courtney grabs my wrist and steers our way to the front of the crowd, dodging people on the way and we make it to the front.
It would be a lie if I said he hadn't gotten hotter, but I would prefer the term more handsome. His muscles have gotten even bigger than the last time I saw him though.

He has a lean built, which I prefer, and his chest had broadened and his t-shirt was tight over his chest. His legs are strongly built and his shoulder muscles tense with his movements.

I bet he would be more handsome in person than he looked from afar.

My wolf has been nagging at me and trying to tell me something the moment I stepped out of the pack house but I brush it off as nervous jitters of seeing my long time crush after so long.

It's as if he had just remembered the presence of rest of the pack. He turned around and moves his eyes over the crowd as if searching for something. When his eyes stop at me, he stares me in the eyes and I hear my wolf shouting something.

"MATE! MATE! Go to our mate!" she yells in my head and my eyes widen with shock and happiness.

I thought my mate would be happy to see me, but I guess not. His face remains impassive, although for a fleeting moment, I saw some emotion cross his eyes and then they're blank just like his soul.

All my life I've been preparing for the possibility that my mate might reject me but I wasn't prepared for the pain that came over me and my wolf. She whimpers. "Mate doesn't want us."

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