Foreign Feeling

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It's a foreign feeling when you lose someone , isn't it ?

There are so many feelings you are familiar with . When your country won the world cup , when you embarrass yourself infront of your crush or when you get low marks.  But this isn't one of them . It's strange and different . Not a good different.  It's like someone has put a horror movie and you are forced to sit and watch and even if you want to you aren't able move from your spot . This feeling is like everyone and everything is moving in fast‐forward motion and you are frozen in your place , you can't even move an inch . You don't feel anything as seconds , hours pass by . You just stare at a distance,  scooped up in a corner and can't hear a single word people are saying . Like they are moving their lips but no sound is coming out . Your mind is fogged with thoughts of your own and you dare not speak knowing you will choke up.  Finally the realization starts to sink in , the pain increases and your eyes starts to leak tears which gradually turns into sob and whole body shakes violently. 

And then you realize that the foreign feeling which I am talking about is seeing someone close to you had slipped into a world of slumber sleep and never waking up again .

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