Family Reunion

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Bold: Phoenix/Phi.

Italics: Thoughts.

          After first turning 14, I was finally allowed to go out on my own. I became an adventurer under the alias "Kai" and dedicated the next six years of my life to getting as strong as possible in preparation for what I knew was coming. Once I'd reached level 175, I decided to focus more on mastering my weapon's systems that leveling up, because at this point, focusing on leveling up would be inefficient.

          With how high my level was, the experience needed to level up was way to high to be focused on. Instead, after reaching that level, I dedicated my full attention to the weapon upgrade systems over leveling up. This was a surprisingly time consuming task due to the large amount of things I had to do to get the most out of my weapons. Of course they all required me to fight more monsters for one reason or another, so by the time I was contacted by Mother's 'Ninja Squadron' as I affectionately called them, I was at level 180 and had gotten all of my gauntlets to full mastery.

          Speaking of which. "Well well well. What's mother's Ninja Squadron doing here?" I asked.

          " We are here to escort you back to the capital. This is an emergency." One of the shadows said.

          "Unless it's the Church, another country, or, heaven forbid, the waves of catastrophe, I'm sure you don't need me." I, of course, knew it was the latter, I've just grown fond of messing with people in subtle ways.

          "As a matter of fact it is the waves of catastrophe. The dragon hourglass has activated and the countdown until the first wave has started." she replied.

          "Alright." I said. "Let's move."

          "One more thing." The shadow started.

          "No, I will not stop calling you guys Ninjas." They really hated me referring to them as such. The lead ninja clicked her tongue. "You truly are a natural born asshole aren't you" "Quiet, you."

          Fast forward to the royal palace, and i was greeted with a tackle (hug) from Melty. "Big brother Matt! I've missed you so much!" She said as she hugged me.

          "I've missed you too mel-chan!" I said back. Of course the moment had to be ruined by what is now officially my evil twin.

          "So, you've finally decided to show your face again. And here I thought you'd be gone for at least a few more weeks." Malty mocked. "Have you decided to actually stay here like a family member should."

          Oh, trying to get under my skin are we? Well two can play at that game. "I'm sorry for only visiting once a month. I'm just trying to take my responsibilities as a seven star hero seriously. Wouldn't want to lose my title the way you did now do I." Her face was priceless. Melty tried to interject, but was interrupted by Malty.

          "Bite your fucking tongue, or I'll remove it myself." she snarled. I sense a fight coming, I just need to give one more push.

          "Then come take it, 'Jolly Mally'."

          And like that, she charged at me with with her sword ala Winter vs Qrow, and much like said qrow I tilted my head from side to side to avoid each of her thrusts. I then switched to using my gauntlets to deflect and block her attacks. I got in a few kicks to her side that made her recoil, but overall just remained on the defensive until I finally spotted the queen emerging from the palace, at which point, I calmly put down my guard and sent little red a smug look, provoking her into attacking again... right in front of our mother.

          "Malty!" Said girl stopped, looking behind her at Mirellia. "What exactly do you think you're doing."

          "He started the altercation Mother!" She said grasping at straws to get out of this.

          "That's actually not true, she attacked first." I pointed out.

          The queen looked towards Melty. Understandable since she was least likely to lie. "Malty was the one who attacked first. They got into an argument, and big brother called her by that nickname she hates."

          Mirellia brought her hand to her face and sighed. "Honestly, you two. You're twenty years old, you shouldn't be acting so childish."

          I smiled. "You weren't complaining when I was messing with the three heroes church."

          "That reminds me," Mirellia said with a scary looking smile. "After we've finished with our discussion, I need to have a talk with you about that."

          "Looks like someone's in trouble." said Phi.

(A/N: I plan on making my pranks against the Three Heroes Church, specifically the Pope, a running gag throughout this story. But I'm gonna need some Ideas. If any of you readers have one, please comment them here.)

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