Chapter 1

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The last case Chloe and Lucifer worked on together hit her, and especially the Devil, pretty hard. Despite all their combined efforts, they had been unable to save the kid's life. They arrived only a few minutes too late at the scene. But that wasn't enough, and all they could do once they got there was to arrest the perp and recover the lifeless body of the 5-year-old boy. Once the medics and CSI did their job, Chloe met Lucifer outside near the ambulance. She looked at him, silently asking how he was feeling. Being the Devil he was, he simply played it off and shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess that'll be one more soul for whoever took my job down there." He smiles, more out of habit than anything. He turns to the rest of the group, avoiding the eyes of the only one who can see right through his faked smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have guests waiting for me at Lux." He rearranges his jacket. "Detective, Lieutenant, Douche. I bid you goodnight."

Chloe watches him drive away into the night, feeling something was definitely off, although she’s unable to put her finger on it. She weighs the pros and cons for a bit, before finally reaching her decision. Despite all of Lucifer's facade, she knew he wasn't as alright as he said he was, and as a friend, she had to at least try to get him to open to her. She knew the case hit him harder than he let on, especially the last body they found. The others, although gruesome, were adults. But this last one was only a defenseless child, and Chloe was pretty sure the feeling of injustice she had when they barged in and found the guy hunched over the tiny corpse had been shared by the Devil. She taps Dan on the shoulder, interrupting his conversation with the Lieutenant.

" Can you take Trixie tonight? She's over at my Mom's, but she can't keep her for the night because of an after-party for her revival convention."

"Sure. Do you want me to drop her off at school as well?"

"Would that be okay for you?

"Of course. It was my turn to have her this weekend anyway." He gives her a weak smile. He puts a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Now that we finally caught him I just need to be alone for a bit and take a break. I haven't rest much over the last few days." She takes out her keys. "I just need a quiet night in and some sleep."

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

She nods before she starts her car. She waves at Dan, but her mind is already set on Lux, and specifically its owner.

Lux – 40 minutes later

Chloe doesn't even bother to announce herself and goes straight up to his penthouse. She feels a nagging in her chest when she considers the possibility of Lucifer having brought back some of his guests to his penthouse to deal with the hurt of the previous case. Sex is his coping mechanism after all. The rational part of her brain reminds her of the last conversation they had before this gruesome case started when he said he had a bit of a dry spell lately, so there are high chances he might actually be alone tonight. As the doors slide open, Chloe can hear the latest song of Cage the Elephant blaring into his surround system. She can also smell cold tobacco. She still sees the smoke from the ashtray on his piano. Her heart sinks for a moment before she realizes he's indeed alone. She lets out the breath she didn't know she had been holding. She walks to him. When she finally sees his face, she feels a shot of pain. His usual suave grin is gone. He's lost in his thoughts, fingers entwined on his toned abs, looking straight out of his bay-window, his eyes turn to the sky above. He untucked his shirt from his trousers, getting rid of his jacket, vest and apparently his shoes and socks as well. He also unfastened one more button and his sleeves are rolled up, stopping just below his elbows. She sits on the arm-rest of his couch.

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