Chapter 3

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The Devil reached his place in less than half the time he usually does. After all, he was Satan, and Satan did not stop at red lights, or adhere to speed limits, especially  when a rogue demon was waiting for him. To be honest, Lucifer had never been the violent type, but he was willing to give it a try for this case. Lower demons were a pain in the arse and Astaroth could turn out to be very dangerous. For now, Chloe was safe, and this was the most important part. Amaymon might not have been the best demon, but he was loyal, and most importantly, scared into loyalty by yours truly.

He doesn’t even bother to park his car. Instead, he simply stops in front of the main entrance of his club, a valet immediately rushing to his car to take his keys. The Devil looks at the line waiting to enter his club and each time the door opens, he can hear Lux is once again packed up with LA best party-goers. He avoids the main entrance, in no mood at all to deal with the Brittanies, or Brads desperately looking for him tonight. As he steps into his private elevator, he hears the muffled music and chatter of the people inside. “Good.” He says. “ The louder the club is, the less likely the demon’s screams are to be heard. ” He finishes in his head.

He taps his foot on the floor as the elevator goes up. Finally the doors open and his lips curve into a dark smile. He can hear a stiffened cry.

“Mazikeen!” The cry stops. His voice is half-joking, half-scolding her. “Tsk! Tsk!” He laughs. “You bad girl. Did you start the fun without me?”

With that sentence, Lucifer fully embraces his devil personna, entering his new role fully, leaving human Lucifer at the door. Although he knows all this is an act, it still feels good to let go for a while. Being in control of his inner Devil can be challenging from time to time, especially around humanity. In all his eons of being the Devil, he never found any other race capable of so many sins at once. Throw in the self-control and patience he has to keep around the Detective constantly teasing him with her looks, the way she stares at him, and more recently her kiss, and the feel of her body. He growls. This demon is going to be his way of getting rid of all this pent-up frustration that has been piling up over the last few months.

“I wouldn’t dare.” Maze answers, bringing him back to the present, her tone matching his.

For an instant she even wonders if Lucifer is really here, or if he’s definitely gone back to Good Old Lucifer when they arrived here 5 years ago. She looks at him, and to the untrained eyes, he looks every bit like her former master, Fallen Angel and former favorite son, as well as the first torturer of Hell and ruthless master of a kingdom he never wished for. She bows down and puts one knee on the floor, fully embracing his game.

“I just got him ready for you, My King.”

Although he knows Maze came up with the idea of this little pretend, he’s still surprised to hear her address him as King. It had been ages since she showed that much blatant respect for his title, but her eyes don’t lie, and he sees she still has that fire in her. Their original plan was to pretend to be his former self, but the more he walks towards the demon, the more his inner beast takes over. He finally sees the position the demon’s in. He hangs from his feet, over his hot tub, the water already bubbling up, the tip of his hair barely touching the surface of the water underneath. In order to stop his screams, Maze gagged him with some toy she found in his one of his drawers.

“I knew this hook would be of some use when I bought it, although I imagined other uses for it.” He effortlessly brings one of his huge leather armchairs in front of the demon’s face. “And I have to say, Maze, torture by drowning.” He adds, sitting on his makeshift throne. “I wholy approve.” He casually grabs a glass and a bottle of scotch from the tub bar. He lifts the glass to his lips. “How rude of me.” He tells the poor soul hanging upside down. “Want one?” The only reply the demon can give is a muffled sound. He looks at Maze, smirking, then back at him. “I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”

A Lucifer Fanfiction: Hell Breaks LooseWhere stories live. Discover now