Chapter 4

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Lucifer takes off his jacket, folds it on the floor and rolls up his sleeves. He looks at Chloe.

“Whatever happens, promise won’t intervene.”


“Promise me you won’t intervene.” He repeats.

“You have my word.” She pauses. “Shouldn’t I go, so you have your immortality?”

Lucifer takes her suggestion into careful consideration. She does have a point. But at the same time, he’s fighting a superior demon, so his immortality is cancelled anyway, and so far Chloe never affected his strength. His immortality was screwed either way, so there was no point in sending her away. He’d rather keep an eye on her, make sure Astaroth didn’t disappear to attack her when she was alone - or rather one of his other minions.

“No.” He simply answers, giving her a concerned look. “It’s best if you stay. Just don’t stay too close to the heat.” He adds.

“Okay.” Lucifer takes a step towards Astaroth. Chloe grabs his arm. “Just… Be careful.” She gives him a grin almost mirroring his usual smile. “You and I have unfinished business.”

He looks deep into her eyes. “Don’t worry about it, Darling. I have every intention of finishing what we started.” He winks at her, before sprinting towards the demon.

Astaroth mirrors his actions and runs to him. The demon throws the first punch and Lucifer easily dodges it, his right knee going to the floor. This position gives the Devil the perfect angle to sweep Astaroth off his feet. The punch Lucifer lands is enough to send the demon a few feet away, the force of the blow almost breaking his femur. Lucifer stands up and walks over to the demon on the ground to finish the job. But Astaroth is quicker this time and avoids the former King of Hell’s right hook by rolling to the side. Lucifer’s fist collides with the dirt - where the demon’s head was supposed to be - leaving a hole in the ground. This time Astaroth doesn’t miss and kicks the Devil in the stomach. Surprise is written all over the Devil’s face. Clearly, he didn’t expect Astaroth to be so quick. Lucifer rises a few feet above the ground before landing heavily a few yards away. He grunts as he struggles to get back on his feet. It takes everything Chloe has not to rush to his side to help him up, but she knows she doesn’t stand a chance against Astaroth. The said demon smirks.

“I bet you didn’t see that one coming, Lucifer.” He mocks his former master. “Look at you! You, the former King of Hell, struggling to get back on your feet after just a simple kick. You’re pathetic.”

Lucifer finally stands on his two feet, still holding his side. The bloody kick landed square on the wound he got after his latest encounter with Amenadiel. Once again the two brothers had solved their differences regarding their mother’s fate with their fists, and Amenadiel had landed a wicked punch on one of his ribs, breaking it in the process. It was almost healed - until now that is. His dumb brother wanted to offer Charlotte to their Father to get back on His good side. Lucifer rejected the archangel’s proposal, refusing to let his Dad win, not after Uriel’s death. If God hadn’t managed to bend the Devil to his will, there was no way in Hell Amenadiel was gonna do it. Lucifer stops his train of thoughts, takes a deep breath and forces the pain of his broken rib away. He stares at Astaroth, his face unreadable.

“You think a simple kick can take me down?” He shifts to his devil form. “Come on Astaroth, don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got in store for me.” He grins. “Or have you learnt nothing from our last encounter. To me, you look as weak as you did centuries ago.”

A Lucifer Fanfiction: Hell Breaks LooseWhere stories live. Discover now