Chapter 2

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Despite the late hour, Linda picks up her phone almost immediately.

"Linda Martin."


"Lucifer?" Linda asks, not sure if it was the Devil calling her. She recognized the accent, but his voice lacked his usual mischief. His sharp breath on the other end of the line confirms her worries. "It almost sounded like a cry." She realizes. She puts her questions as to what happened on hold and asks. "Are you okay?" She lets a few seconds go by. When she gets no answer, she simply adds. "Why don't you come over whenever you like. I'm here for while. I have a few patient files I need to review before tomorrow. So I'm here if you decide you need a friendly ear."

The invitation from Linda was all the incentive the Devil needed. "I'll be right over." He simply informs the psychiatrist before he hangs up.

30 minutes later - Linda's practice

Linda is deep in her files when she hears a soft knock on her door. She jumps slightly.

"Just a minute."

She quickly tidies up her desk and puts the files back in her safe. She then makes her way to the door and opens it. Her worries for her friend come back full steam when she sees the face of the Devil. To start with, Lucifer rarely knocks when he visits her. Then she takes in his appearance. Gone is his usual three-pieces suit. Apparently he dropped the vest, the jacket and his smugness on the way over. It feels weird to Linda to see the Devil bare - almost as raw as his burnt skin - shirt untucked, messy hair, and a lingering smell of Bourbon and cold tobacco.

"Come in Lucifer." She finally tells him when he remains on her doorstep. He comes in and Linda ushers him towards her couch. He drops down, still in shock. Linda sits opposite to him. Linda sits opposite of him, staring at his frown and rumpled appearance, trying to figure out what happened "Did he have to kill one of his siblings again?" She asks herself. She looks at him, waiting for her friend to speak, while going over different scenarios in her mind. Lucifer reaches for the glass of water and brings it his lips. He then takes a deep cleansing breath, finally beginning to get his emotions under control. Another deep breath. He starts to speak but stops soon after, unable to stop the horrid scene of Chloe holding him at gunpoint, eyes filled with terror. He pinches the bridge of his nose, seals his eyes shut. "In the name of Dad!" He groans, frustrated by his own lack of control. When he opens his eyes again, they're glistening. He looks at Linda, almost expecting her to tell him about how ridiculous he is to get this worked up about such a small thing. Instead, she gives him a warm smile, not pressing him further. However, she finally has a better idea about what happened, or at least about who's involved. Only one person can strike the Devil to his core. The only questions being why, and what happened. The Devil sits up straight, and finally decides to talk again. He utters two words.

"She knows."

These two simple words confirm to Linda what she already suspected. "I see." She replies, her tone detached, almost clinical. It pains her to see Lucifer this way, but right now, it's what the Devil needs. "Why don't you take me through what happened step by step?"

"I can't." He answers.

"You're safe here Lucifer. You can talk to me." She smiles. "I can help you, but I need to know what happened." Her tone is firm, professional.

Lucifer nods. For the first time since he came in, the ghost of a smile graces his features as he recalls the sweet moment he had with the Detective before everything took a turn for the worst. "Chl… I mean, the Detective and I were having a wonderful time. She'd finally decided to take a chance on me, and stopped resisting my charms." His heart sinks in his chest. "And, we were well on our way to much more delights when Amaymon showed up and killed the mood." The rage he feels towards the demon replaces the pain, and he has neither the will, nor the strength to keep it in check. His eyes flash red just a second before the rest of his body follows. Linda's a bit taken aback. It's been a while since she saw Lucifer's true form. She blinks to refocus her attention on what matters, i.e helping her friend. Lucky for her, Lucifer shifts back after a minute.

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