Chapter three

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The dance studio is probably the only place I can truly chill out and be me. I've been coming here for as long as I can remember, it's helped me through a lot of bad times.

I walk through the double doors leading into the main studio. Mirrors line the long walls and as I look across I can see Ashley's reflection wave at me.

Ashley owns the studio and is like a brother to me. I wave back, a warm smile spreading across my face. I've now put everything out of my mind and focus on the moment.

"Hey Lowri! How's it going?" He asks enthusiastically.

"All good, how's the new choreography going?" I ask, Ashley has been working on new choreography for our annual show. He has a natural talent for things like that.

"Fine, still needs a bit of work but it's all coming together now."

"Good" I say with a smile, "just gonna go get changed out of my school uniform. Maybe I could lend a hand?"

"Sure thing." He replies with a wide grin.

I disappear into the spare room and get changed into my usual dance gear, black leggings and my favourite baggy top. I quickly grab a drink and return to the studio.

However when I walk back in I see Ashley isn't alone anymore. Standing next to him is a boy, he looks about my age. He has a brown afro that actually suits him very well and big glasses. Behind these glasses are big auburn eyes. He is cute in a weird sort of way. I look confused, I've never seen him before.

Both boys look up at he same time and I'm kind of taken back by how good looking this boy is. "Lowri! I don't think you've been introduced, this is Perri." I look at Perri and he looks back at me. He has a weird smirk on his face, as if something's amused him.

"Ummm, hey Perri, I'm Lowri." I say in a nervous tone, I don't know why but his presence has made me feel suddenly shy.

"Hey." he replies in a deep but attractive tone before turning back to his computer screen. I find it quite rude that he didn't try and make conversation but I let it slip.

I stare at his computer screen to see that he has been editing music. "I asked Perri to come and mix some of our music, hope you don't mind but I thought it'd be good to have a fresh opinion." Ashley explains.

"It's fine ash, why would it bother me?" I say. Perri still hasn't looked up from his screen. "Okay I'm glad of that." Ashley says with a smile "If you don't mind I'm just gonna head out and grab a takeaway haven't eaten all day! Catch up with you later."

I'm now left standing in the studio alone with this strange boy I've never met before. The silence is starting to get awkward so I turn to him and say, "Hey if you don't mind I'm gonna stick some music on, it won't distract you will it?"

"No it's fine, go ahead." He says, he barley glances up at me. He must be in the middle of something important I guess.

I walk over to the stereo and put the iPod on shuffle. As soon as I hear the first couple of beats I'm lost in the music.

I dance for what must be 10 minutes until I can feel a pair of eyes watching me.

I glance up to see Perri looking at me. The way he looks at me is almost as if he's in a trance. I stare back for a bit before he breaks eye contact. I stand there in a trance for a bit confused as to why he was staring

I walk over to the stereo and knock it off. I've had enough of the awkwardness. "If you don't mind I'm gonna head home." I say.

Perri looks up at me with those dreamy auburn eyes, why does he have to be so good looking? "Okay, I guess I'll see you around." He replies. I don't know why but I almost don't want to go. Its like I'm in a trance and he's controlling me. I decide that it's to weird to question and turn and head to the door.

Just before I leave I glance back at Perri who is watching me leave. I give him a small smile, he returns it before quickly turning back to his music.

On the drive back to my house all I can think about is that stupid boy. How can someone I've literally just met make me feel this way? I ask myself.

I pull up outside my house and take a deep breath. I had almost forgotten about my mums job crisis.

I walk up our short drive and open the door. My mum is asleep on the sete still in the same tracksuit. I quickly grab a blanket and put it on her. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps and I can't help but get upset at how unfair her life is. It makes me sad that I can't help her enough.

I head upstairs quietly and quickly get changed into my pyjamas. I lie under the covers of my bed and fall asleep thinking of what's going to happen with me and my mum.

But probably the worst part is...

I fall asleep thinking of Perri...

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