Heal Me

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The bright sunlight hit Gaga's eyes as she woke up. It was really early in the morning but she had some business to take care of in Chicago. A big day was ahead of her. Gaga tried to sit up on the bed but realized Taylor's muscular arm was preventing her from doing so. He was still peacefully sleeping. She loved watching him sometimes. She lay back down, wrapped her arm around him and moved closer to his chest. She cuddled him for a little while; placing soft kisses on his face in the meantime. Taylor didn't even move; he was still sound asleep. The tiny brunette carefully released herself from his grip before getting ready to head out.

Once she was dressed, fed and about to leave, she stopped at the bed for a second. Her lover was still sleeping since he didn't have to film for another few hours, so she leaned over and gave him one more kiss on his cheek.

"I love you Tay," she whispered.

Heels clicked on the wooden floor and the apartment door came to a close.
Taylor groaned at the blasting alarm and shut it off. He really didn't feel like getting up. It was almost as if he couldn't. He felt really weak and cold. 'Maybe I'm just tired,' he thought to himself. The actor sighed and got out of bed, stumbling toward the bathroom. It took much longer than usual to get ready. For some reason it was just so difficult, but he finally made it out the door and to the set.

As he stepped in, Monica Raymund noticed he didn't look well. His skin was pale and he looked like he was spaced out. The young actress became a little worried.

"Oh my God, Taylor, are you okay? You don't look good," she commented as she approached her friend.

"Don't worry I'll be fine. Maybe I just need some time to wake up."

"People who just need some time to wake up still have some color on them. You're white as a ghost. Maybe you should go home and get some rest today."

He didn't like that idea. Taylor never liked missing his job. He loved acting, especially in Chicago Fire, and he really wanted to get to work on his scenes. He tried to deny everything his friend was telling him, and immediately started going over his lines.

Everyone noticed how sick he looked, but he always insisted he was okay. It wasn't until a couple of hours later that Dick Wolf made him go home. He even made sure Taylor got a lift because he was obviously really frail and tired to drive. So Jesse Spencer gave his best friend a lift back to the Chicago apartment.
It was only the middle of the day and Gaga was already drained from running around, having her meetings, doing some interviews here and there, etc. All she wanted to do was spend time with Taylor. So she figured maybe they could have lunch together or something. She grabbed her phone and dialed his number. No answer. 'That was odd. Usually Taylor always picks up his phone at this time.' She tried to dial again. Still nothing. But she had a better idea. Since she had an hour or two to spare, she figured she could surprise him at the firehouse.

The place seemed kind of quiet when she got there. Usually she could hear Taylor from outside. He was always the loudest of the bunch that made everyone laugh. But that day everyone was just sitting down and chatting inside. The cast looked at her funny when she entered the room. Ignoring the stares, she scouted for Taylor but he was nowhere to be found.

"I'm guessing Taylor's not around," she asked.

"No, he's home in bed. I just dove him about an hour ago," Jesse answered.

"What? Why is he home?"

"Did you not notice how sick he is," Monica asked.

Gaga shook her head. "What are you talking about? He looked fine this morning when I left."

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