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Taylor waited at the airport for hours and hours for his girlfriend to finally come home. Nothing could make him more happy and more excited. She'd been doing tons and tons of shows all over the country, it was time for her to get some rest before doing anything else. It took another twenty minutes of waiting until they announced that her flight had landed in Chicago. A smile grew on his face since he was not even an hour away from seeing the love of his life. Flowers and stuffed monkey in hand.

As he stared ahead there she was. The most beautiful woman in his entire life walking toward him. But something was wrong. She had shades on even though it was nine o'clock at night and she didn't look like her usual self. Only when the young woman was a few feet away from him did he notice was shaking. When Gaga saw the flowers, she smiled and continued walking to him, but she suddenly stumbled forward. Taylor lunged forward and caught her before she could hit the ground. Her body was really warm.

"Oh my God are you okay," he asked her, but he got no answer. Her arms wrapped around his neck for support as he helped her find her balance again. She still didn't answer. "Stef?" Gaga's lip quivered a little and she put her hand just above her throat, communicating to him what was going on. She couldn't speak. He could see a tear run just below the frames of her sunglasses. After wiping it away, he took her luggage and walked her to his car in Chicago's freezing weather, feeling her body tremble against his.

"Don't worry I'm gonna take care of you alright?" Gaga nodded back at her boyfriend in response as he opened her door to let her in the car. Once her bags were taken care of he hopped into the driver's seat next to her. He made sure it was warm enough inside to help with her chills before driving off into the city. Gaga cuddled up with the stuffy her boyfriend had for her and smelled the beautiful bouquet of flowers. She gave him that million dollar smile he loved so much and even though she couldn't talk, he knew that was her way of saying 'thank you.'

Upon entering the apartment Gaga felt a little more at ease. Taylor put her luggage in the room and walked her to the bathroom and filled the tub with lukewarm water to help with her fever. Gaga slowly started removing her clothing and got into the water when she was ready. Her boyfriend held her hand tight as she set her foot into the tub since she was shaking and prone to dizziness. He didn't want her to slip and hurt herself. Then he held her tiny frame as she lowered herself to sit down and that's when he saw how red and puffy her eyes were. She really needed rest. He made her sit back and close her eyes so she can relax and enjoy the warmth of the water. The bath helped with her chills but only to a certain extent.

In the meantime Taylor put some water on a tea kettle and made his girlfriend a warm cup of chicken soup before checking up on her. She was falling asleep in there so he washed her body quickly but thoroughly and massaged her scalp with her favourite shampoo and conditioner. That woke her up a bit and she smiled at the sight of her lover taking care of her. Despite being sick she felt so special in that moment, like a real princess. Taylor caught her blushing and laughed at her as he rinsed her dark brown hair. The tiny brunette leaned her head back, enjoying the feeling of warm water hitting her head and giving her scalp an additional massage session. However all that pleasure ceased when the water turned off and she found herself shaking from the cold once again. Her teeth were practically chattering. T grabbed a bunch of towels and wrapped one around her before lifting her out of the bathtub. He took a second one for her hair and started towel drying it while she remained curled up in a trembling, frozen little ball.

"T-Taylor," she managed to whisper, almost inaudible. "It's cold."

"I know. We'll get you dried off and then you can put on something warm. You'll feel better after I promise." She nodded as he helped her dry her legs and part of her torso. As she finished drying off the rest of her body, he fetched her some panties, her bra, some pyjama bottoms and one of his hoodies, which she always found warm. As predicted, once she was dressed she felt warmer.

"I made you some soup and some tea if you want it. It'll help your cold and your throat." Gaga nodded and walked with him to the kitchen so she can eat. It was difficult on account that she was still trembling from chills and she put her spoon down and stared at the tile floor.

"Babe what's wrong," Taylor asked his girlfriend but she shook her head and didn't answer. He walked around the table and lifted her chin up so her eyes met his. "Whatever it is Stef, you can let me know. I can help. That's what I'm here for." Her eyes shifted downward in shame while her chin was in the grip of his fingers. Trying her hardest to speak with the tiniest fraction of voice she had regained, she managed to answer him softly.

"I can barely eat normally. It's embarrassing. I don't feel independent anymore," she said, whispering. Taylor cupped her cheeks in his hands, bringing his face closer to place a kiss on her perfect lips.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed. It's hard for anyone to eat when they're shaky. Here." He took her spoon and placed it in her hand. Then he gripped her hand that was holding the spoon tightly, to keep her from trembling too much while she eats. Slowly, the spoon dipped into the bowl, cupping some of her soup and they slowly managed to bring the spoon to her mouth. As she was still shaking, Taylor's grip was tight enough so as to control and diminish it. Gaga was successful in eating that way and she felt a lot better, knowing that she can still feed herself. She even drank her tea, which soothed her throat as she swallowed it.

Taylor ran to the bedroom and came back with a hair dryer. Once it was plugged into the wall, he patted the spot next to him on the couch and she sat next to him. The warm air felt so amazing as it blew over her head, hitting her hair and scalp, radiating through the rest of her body. The tiny woman smiled at the comforting warmth of the air. She leaned back and found herself nestled in her lover's chest. Her eyes closed as she began to relax and enjoy the special treatment she was getting.

Once Taylor finished with her hair, he put the air dryer under her hoodie to warm up her back and the rest of her torso, travelling up to her neck. Then he turned it off and tried getting up but he couldn't. His girlfriend's body was keeping him from doing so. As he looked down over her head, he saw her beautiful face and smiled. She fell asleep. So he moved her body and got up before taking her into his arms and carrying her to the bedroom. Then he grabbed some water bottles and placed them on the night table next to her since she needed to stay hydrated and slipped into bed next to her. Pulling the sheet over them, she cuddled into him almost automatically. Taylor wrapped his arm around her and stroked her hair with his other hand before kissing her forehead.

"Sweet dreams princess."

Not sure if short or kinda weak for a oneshot but I did what I can with it. This was a suggested prompt I got in my messages a few days ago by.... lilmissallyvanek. Thanks for the suggestion darling.
Where I stand with my other two fics I have no idea. I'm probably gonna start writing another chapter for Behind Closed Doors later on today since I have some appointments and what not today. Ain't got no idea wtf I'm doing with I'm Beautiful In My Way. I need time to figure it out.
I just read Chapter 30 of Dope >> Lady Gaga by @beyondflawless and I'm crying so hard bc it is literally beyond flawless. Guys all your fics are giving me so much life rn I love them all. Congrats on some amazing ideas and phenomenal writing, you're all great.
Have an amazing Sunday and Happy Holidays darlings.

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