The Triple Date?..

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Shinso heads off to lunch after Midoriya offered him a seat at their table. It's all fun, laughter, and cuteness until crushes and dating are brought up. Todoroki and Midoriya are dating which sparked a conversation by Uraraka, asking Shinso about his love-life. He accidentally exposes himself to the entire school and runs off. He is found by his crush who has now invited him to his dorm.

<Recap Over - First Person>

We continued our day with anticipation. We parted ways, heading to our next class. I was feeling much better now, my tears dried, my breathing normal. Yet I still felt light-headed. A happy buzz was felt in my chest.

What is this feeling?

I couldn't quite lay my finger on the feeling, I had never felt this uplifted before or even this way- Ever! I continued my walk to the classroom for class. I walked in and set my stuff at my desk.

How am I the first one here?

I took my seat and leaned forward in the desk, crossing my arms on the table. I laid my head face-first into my arms. I had been feeling alright walking back to class but things seemed to be rewinding. The scene played in my head on repeat, his words played on repeat. I couldn't get them out!

How am I ever supposed to get work done if I'm like this!

A few students came into the room, but for the most part, they ignored me. Which was honestly fine, I could care less. Right then and there, my brain started to act up. No more happy thoughts for me I guess. Time felt like it had rewinded back to middle school. Voices started speaking in mocking, unfriendly tones.

"Sounds criminal Sheen-so!"

"It's the perfect quirk for a villain to have!"

I brought my hands up to cover my ears, I started shaking.




I yelled shooting up from my desk, almost everyone was in the room by now. My hands shook rapidly, my breathing quickened in pace. Everyone started staring again. I almost couldn't handle it. I bit down harshly on my lip before plopping back down in my seat. I hunched over, looking down. The eyes that were staring at me had drifted back to their conversation. The bell rings to signal the start of class and we continue on with our business. The next three hours felt like they'd never end. I found myself tapping my foot and staring at the clock in anticipation. I just wanted to be outta there. I wanted to run back to my dorms, maybe flop down on the bed. Then I remembered.

I was going to Kaminari's after school was out...

Of course, I would have to go and change out of my uniform so I'd have to head back to my dorm anyways. The thought of him pushed me on through class. I got a lot done that hour. The bell rings and everybody rushes to the door to leave, it got very crowded. Pushing and shoving, finally making it out the door and to my locker to grab my things. Everyone slowly trickled out of the school one by one. We started our five-minute walk back to the dorms. I saw Todoroki and Midoriya running toward me.


"Wait up!"

I stopped, Midoriya seemed out of breath while Todoroki seemed fine.

"I'm sorry.."

Midoriya said to me after catching his breath.


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