Chapter 1: Flashbacks and 12 hour trips

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the plane ride window view^^^
As I leave my best friend and my brother to there own problems, knowing that I won't be much help. Helping them will destroy me, knowing that I won't be able to help Jackson. Knowing that if other witches catch him with me, they will kill him on the spot. But I won't let that happen. Not when he's stuck living next door to my mother, the leader of the biggest and strongest coven in France.

My poor blue-eyed human prince, what can I do? How can I save you? Grandmother never told me what I could do to help. I never really understood what she told me.

*~*~*~*~*~*~ Flask back a couple weeks back*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

As I get out of my car, being greeted by my grandmother, who was sitting on the porch swing. I usually come visit her once or twice a week, sometimes with my brother, but I'm here for her help.

" Grandmother, I need your help," I softly tell her as she reaches out her small wrinkled hand and grabs my small pale ones.

" Is it about that boy you left behind all those years ago," she asks me. Nodding my head not finding my voice, " I knew this was going to happen sooner or later," she gives me a weak smile," I was hoping later after you finished developing your powers."

"What do you mean finish developing my powers, I thought I could only control the weather and the 4 elements?"

"Well you come from a powerful family of witches, we usually generate powers of those who passed away," she pauses as she takes a sip of her tea, " but you, my dear, have the strongest of all. You just need to control more of what you already know. But somehow, I knew the only way you can develop them is by emotion. And since I brought you back all you have been was sad or a bit happy. Never full emotions, I can see it in your eyes that you miss him."

" He knows what I am Grandmother, he accepts it, but I'm terrified to tell him what would happen if we go out in public over there," I softly say as a few tears roll down my checks.

" It happens to all of us. I went through it, your mother did as well, but you, you have a chance to bring him here before you get caught. Your grandfather was killed when we entered the airport, I was 2 months pregnant with your mother," she sighs softly, taking another sip of her tea before continuing, " And your mother, he really didn't get killed more like he left her, when you and your brother were only 2 years old, but your mother killed him."

" Is that why my mum always so cruel and evil to humans?"

"That's basically it. She is the supreme of her own evil coven. She has eyes everywhere, but the woods. the same woods you and Jackson met."

"I know that's the only safe place there is Grandmother. But I need to know how to figure out my powers."

Her small grip tightens around my hand. " It will come with time, during your strongest and your weakest point."

~*~*~*~*~*flashback ends ~*~*~*~*~*~

Five hours into the flight, and so far I only thought about Jackson 15 times (but who's counting). We have known each other for about 14 years. And at only 14 I knew I was in love with him. I only found that out because I had to leave him for his safety.

~*~*~* flashback to about 4 years ago~*~*~*~*

I really don't want to do this I thought to myself as frustratedly messing with my long blue-silver hair. Pacing back and forth, my long black dress getting tangled behind me, waiting for Jackson to arrive. And today he's turning 16, so I was hoping to tell him how I feel towards him today.

From behind me a pair of long strong arms wraps around my waist, and a soft deep voice said: "What's up in the beautiful head of yours that's driving you insane ."

Turning around, as he quickly let me go, wearing his usual princely attire. With his medium ink, black hair gelled back, with tight black pants and boots, and a perfectly fitting white t-shirt, with his white jacket (with the things). I didn't know he was a prince till like 4 years ago, the same time I started to develop my powers.

"So are you going to tell me what's got you thinking so much?" Jackson softy asks, looking at me worriedly.

"I-i think I love you, but-"I stopped to take a deep breath as a tear fell down my cheek.

We softly put his hand on my cheek, brushing off a tear with his thumb. "Just tell me," he says worriedly.

"I- I I have to leave," I take a deep breathe in." I have to go live with my grandmother."

" Why do you have to go?" He looks at me. Scared and worry was written all over his face. " You don't have to go, you can stay with me."

" It's not that I have to, I need to go. I don't want my mother finding out. I have to leave, if I stay she'll find out and everything is gonna go bad," I barely say. A tear strolls down my face.

~*~*~*back to the present ~*~*~*~

The plane will land a few minutes or so, and I'm sure my mother is going to pick me up. But what I'm more worried about is Jackson. I really don't know how he looks like now, I don't know if he forgot about me, maybe he has a girlfriend? All these things come to mind.

I put my iPod and phone into my purse as I fix my socks back over my knee, and flattening out my shirt and skirt.

Throughout this 12-hour plane ride, I have been having flashbacks non stop. Let's just hope my mom doesn't get into my mind. Let's hope my walls in my mind build up again so she doesn't read my mind.

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First chapter is finally done. Hope you guys like it. Please comment on what you think is going to happen, and vote please. Buh bye, till the next chapter.
                - kitty

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