Chapter 5

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Chris pov

Who's that girl you dreaming about?"

I scoffed, turning to find my brother Alec  looking at me amusingly. I did not have the  time or patience to worry about my love  life. With my ungodly working hours and  always ranting about stocks and shares any  girl would run miles away from me.

"Bethany Walter." I said biting back a smile.

Alec whacked the back of my head with a  file, his eyes narrowed. Bethany was his  childhood crush who he never had the courage to talk too. Just mention her name  and he would blush like a tomato.

"No seriously, you meet someone interesting?" Alec pressed.

"None up to my standards" I replied  uninterested. True, I certainly don't want  aimless airheads on my arm. I want a girl  who can hold her ground, who knows how the world  is, and will stay by me no matter  what happens.

My Dad's reputation brought all sorts of  people around me, some who want my money, my fame. But I want a girl who  likes Chris and not billionaire Christopher  Smith.

When people value your bank balance more than you, your existence becomes merely a way for someone to increase their status in the society, trusting people is a tough job. I have always been careful in choosing my friends and that also refers to my love life. Having a girlfriend honestly seemed like to much hassle and drama, so working became my priority and still is.

"Dad was telling me about a deal with  Forever Gems, how did it go?" Alec  asked  randomly  flipping through  pages  of  my  file.

That  reminded me of Gwen Carter, God  that woman was amazing. Face of an angel  with the wittiness of a devil. Her  confidence was another thing, she killed  with a smile. It was truly amazing how she handled the pervert Sam, I would have  happily knocked his teeth out, but what  she did was even more insulting.

The way her deep baby blue eyes analyzed  every move and expression, it sent a shiver  down my spine. She showed me that  sarcasm was even more effective than fist  fights. My respect for her increased, I  looked forward to working with her.

"Sir we have an issue here." I heard my  assistant Mike say nervously. "Mr Caron  wants to see you." Alec and I glanced at  each other nervously.

  Now what went wrong? I swear to God if  he irritates me now nothing good will  come out. Mr Caron slowly came into  my  office and quitely sat down, not making eye  contact with either of us. Word that he was  faking financial statements had
got out, he was in a very bad situation.

  Now his company being seized, and  debtors increasing, the effect on him could  be clearly spotted with the dark marks  below his eyes. "Mr Caron how can I help  you." I asked keeping my voice low.

"I have a proposition for you." Mr Caron  said some firmness in his voice coming  back. He sat up straight, as though he had  done nothing wrong and we were wrong  in accusing him.

"You help me financially and you can marry daughter in return." He said easily as  though he was talking about imaginary  dolls and not real people.

My jaw tightened, Alec's had almost  dropped to the floor, I would have laughed  if it was not such a serious situation. He's  talking about a what ?

"What?" I asked hoping and praying I  heard it wrong.

"You can marry my daughter. But in return  back me up financially". He shrugged  as  though  he  was  making  a  fair proposition.

What is this barter system?His daughter is  not a possession to be transferred from one  person to another. She was a real person  with feelings and emotions, no one  deserves to be treated like that. "You want  a marriage contract".  I asked testing the words in my mouth.

"Why not?" He  boldly defied. "If my  daughter can enjoy my money she can truly  help me in loss."

"Did she agree to this?" Alec asked.

"No, but she will do as I say." He answered.  "She doesn't have much of a choice. You  know how women are, weak minded and  always yapping about feelings. It takes a  man to make tough decisions and since I'm  the man I have done  it". There is so much wrong in that statement. Women get too emotional at times, but that cannot be  taken as weakness. I have seen my mom all my life. Never has it stopped her from  making tough decisions. She has more  emotional stability than any man I know.

"No Mr Caron forget this marriage proposal   go home." I  warned. If I do get married, it  will never be for financial reasons.  Marriage is commitment between two  people who love each other, not some  business deal signed on a  able.

Want to judge a person, see his opinion on women.

"What would you have done, if it was your  company at loss? Would you not agree to a  marriage contract?" He  sneered. Thousand  men like him could not change my opinion.

"Even if my company was in loss, which it  never will be. I will never agree to a  marriage contract." I admitted.

It shows the emotional capacity of a person  who takes the most easiest route and not fight for what he needs. I will not  disrespect any woman by forcefully marrying her on the basis of a contract.

I continued "If I have the capability to run  a million dollar company, I have the ability  to provide three meals for myself and my  family. I'm not scared of a simple life. I  would not compromise my values for the  sake of money or even my company."

"Mr Caron leave now. Before Dad finds out  about your dirty plans. Trust me you don't  want to make an enemy out of him now of all times." Alec warned.

Mr Caron disbelieving looked at me and  then Alec and left the room, muttering  curses under his breadth. He should  concentrate on  saving his money not  about  selling his daughter.

"You think that poor girl is going to be okay  with this lunatic." Alec asked me  worriedly  referring to Caron's  daughter.

"She's got to fight her own battles." I  replied. Everyone has their own battles to  fight and fears to overcome. That is what  makes us  better people. If Mr Caron's  daughter does need help we are there, but  other than that she's in her own battle

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