Chapter 7

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"Don't you dare move an inch Gwen  Isabelle Carter you have some explaining  to  do." Dave warned causing me groan to in  annoyance. Don't get me wrong I'm not  mad at Dave I'm furious at that piece of shit  Adam. I shifted around in my chair,  cleverly pretending to ignore Dave's glares. 

Chris looked amused at the prospect of  Dave chewing me out. Yeah you find that  funny, wait till Dave is out. I glared at Lisa,  the main culprit for today.

"I'll see what is left of you tommorow."  Chris said obviously amused. Ha, the idiot  had the nerve to mock me now. I was a small kid now, who waited until her parents are out to punch a stupid boy.

"I'll walk him out." I gestured to Chris with  an innocent look, which fooled nobody but  at least I tried. Props for that.

"Stay where you are." Dave warned. He  really did look scary today. Since when did  my sweet innocent best friend look like a  gigantic dinosaur.

"Don't worry, I can walk myself out.  Obviously you will have more fun here."  Chris said laughing at my discomfort. You  wait Christopher Smith I'll have my revenge on you.

As if you will  do  anything  besides  stuttering.

I huffed, my subconscious will never be on  my side.

As Chris finally left the cabin, Dave turned  his questioning look at me, he did look  scary and intimidating today. Nooo where  did my teddy bear like bestie go.

And you have the audacity to call me  dramatic.

Me being the mature and bigger person I  am decided to ignore her. I'll drill sense  into her later. Now for damage control.

"Care to tell me what is going on, Gwen."

"Ohh you know, just finished signing a deal  with Chris." I replied helpfully, I have a big  mouth which will undoubtedly land me in  trouble no doubt. But who cares.

"Don't get smart with me young lady." Dave  warned clearly I had pushed his buttons.

   "I don't know, what that lunatic wants. He  suddenly showed up demanding money, I  told him like a normal person to kill  himself. But like the little shit he is he  started to blackmail me into approaching them." I answered sadly. I did not like  hiding things from Dave, because I never  had anyone besides him.

  He did not engage in girly talks and watch  chick flicks with me. He did not stand as  my bodyguard trying to ward boys away  from me, instead he joined me into boxing classes so I can defend myself if someone  tried any funny business on me.

Dave did not step in and solve all my  problems, he stood in the background and  showed me I was capable enough to solve  problems by myself. He is the one  responsible for my confidence, otherwise I would never even have the guts to look  people in the eye.

Once in highschool a guy kept trying to  bully me, want to know what Dave did. He made me perfect the right hook, I knocked  the guy out. Best moment of my life, no one  dared to bully me again. He reminded me again and again that I was capable enough  to handle myself and didn't need a knight in shinning armor.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dave asked sadly.

My heart constricted painfully, he was hurt  that I didn't deem him worthy enough to  tell him about Adam. I would rather do  anything to avoid hurting Dave. It's not like  I never wanted to tell him about Adam, I  was waiting for the right time.

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