『54』Training Camp ⟨1⟩

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{3rd POV}

A boy with a brown anti-gravity hair and wearing U.A Uniform can be seen jumping from roof to roof, while jumping he was holding on his bag.

Behind him was Hibari, his bag was on his back while he was holding an amaze Sakura on his arms.

Yamamoto was also behind them with Lambo on his shoulders and they're belongings was on Yamamoto's bag.

Tsuna glance at them and just grin after remembering what Reborn Told him before they all leave the house.


'I'm not coming with you to the training camp' Reborn said and Tsuna look at him curiously 'why so?' he ask.

'I will investigate this world more... and maybe I can see the rest of your guardians' Reborn replied while cleaning his new gun.

'But still if i feel bored I will follow you so that I can request to train you' Tsuna just Sweatdrop 'Uh, sure' he replied.

'Then we will be going now'

{Flashback ends}

"Mah, how I wish that Reborn won't go there" Tsuna said then the U.A building was starting to come to his sight, then he jump high before speeding up.

Hibari and Yamamoto smirks and also speed up to catch up to Tsuna.

"Wahh This is fun!!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"Go Takeshi-nii!!" Lambo shouted from Yamamoto's shoulder.

"Hn, so noisy" Hibari mutter.

"So fast! " Sakura said excitedly and Hibari just smiles. The roof of the houses turns to roof of buildings.

Tsuna saw the whole Class on the front gate so he push himself higher and jump from the high building and the Students along with the Teachers stared at him in shock.

"TSUNA!?" The all exclaimed then Tsuna smiled he look up and saw that Hibari and Yamamoto was also falling.

Yamamoto smiled and make a bubble made from his rain flames then they all land on it, bouncing a little before it disappears and they all stand up.

"Can you guys atleast give a nice and safe appearance!!!" Kaminari and Kirishima exclaimed.

"Safe and Nice isn't on our vocabulary" Hibari said making the class sigh.

"Since The rest of the students arrive, we will noᴡ go" Aizawa said and the students cheered before they all go to the bus.

They are already on the bus. "We'll be stopping in about an hour, then we'll-" Aizawa stopped when he saw them all goofing off and chatting and playing music.

'I guess this is the only time they'll have to fool around.' Aizawa thought before he just look away.

Tsuna sat on the back and beside him was Hibari with Sakura on his lap, Sakura was playing with Hibari's phone and The prefect just sleeps not bordering about the noise since Tsuna told him to dealt with it.

Yamamoto and Lambo was beside Midoriya talking about Heroes.

Tsuna sigh "When will be complete again?" He asked himself as he look on the window, then he saw someone on a tree bit the bus was moving fast so he only catch some guy dressed in black that hide to the tree they passed on.

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